"What?" He mumbled. Jin's lips drew into a small pout.

"I'm hungry," he replied. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his gaze falling on Jimin's. Jimin smiled up at him and it made Yoongi smile a little too. He felt Yoongi's body relax and he closed the textbooks he had out, tapping Jimin's back, once, twice, and three times. Jimin was quick to sit up, letting Yoongi wrap his arms around his waist loosely while Jimin buried his face in his chest.

He wasn't sure if he was tired, or bored or all of the above, but he wanted nothing more then to be as close to Yoongi as possible. Yoongi could kind of just sense when Jimin was being clingy.

Of course, he shouldn't be surprised by that. Yoongi was always really good at being there for him, he always knew when something was up.

"You should go get something to eat then," Yoongi murmured, his voice unwavering. Jimin couldn't help but snort at the deadpan reaction, and he laughed even more when he felt Yoongi lurch a little- knowing that Jin had hit him lightly on the head.

Yoongi shushed Jimin's laugher by burying a hand in his hair.

It seemed like the two were going to go back and forth more- but before either could put in a word, there was another loud exhale from across the room. Jimin jolted at the noise, looking across the room at the source of the sudden sound.

He shouldn't have been surprised to find that it was from Taehyung. He raised a tentative eyebrow at him and watched as his friend threw his papers on the floor, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"I'm so done with this!" Taehyung exclaimed dramatically. "School is too much, if I have to look at one more math problem, I think I'm going to die."

No one responded. Not because they hadn't heard him or anything but just because they all knew he wasn't really done. They all knew he had more to declare, and they were just waiting for him to finish his statement.

He didn't until he had shifted his body a little bit, giving himself a much more dramatic pose.

"We have to do something to unwind. We should all go to the amusement park!" He exclaimed. They all stared at him.


Namjoon was the first to speak, looking up from the thesis that he was already starting to write. That was his mistake. Taehyung stood up and pointed at Namjoon.

"Amusement. Park. We are all going," he grunted. "School is too hard for us to not all let loose sometimes you know?"

Everyone continued their blank stare at Taehyung, which made Jimin feel the need to speak. He knew that Taehyung was frustrated because his parents had forced him to study all break, not allowing him a single chance to unwind, but that still didn't keep Jimin from feeling the need to poke a little fun at him.

"You do know that school just started right? We haven't even had midterms yet," he stated pointedly. Taehyung cut Jimin a glare.

"So, you're telling me you don't want to go to the amusement park?" He asked Jimin. Jimin's nose scrunched.

"Well, actually-"

Taehyung sighed.

"I hate you guys," he mumbled. "Jin. Funnel cakes, Jimin, date night opportunities, Namjoon, physics. Jungkook will have a blast on the roller coaster, Hoseok is creepy good at those fair games. It'll be fun."

Hoseok jolted at the mention of his name, and Jimin noticed him shrug offhandedly at that.

"It will be fun," he agreed. "What do we say we buy tickets to go this weekend?"

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