Chapter Twelve

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"Finally free!" Taehyung announced as he burst into the dorm room. Jimin glanced back at him over his shoulder just in time to watch his friend toss his backpack across the room and faceplant into his bed.

"Finished your last exam?" Jimin observed. Taehyung flipped his body clumsily and stared at the ceiling with an almost euphoric expression riddled across his face.

"I have finally transcended the shackles of this school," Taehyung responded instead of giving a real answer. "No longer will I have to slave away behind a prison of birchwood, and rock burned by the piping hot flames of oppression. From this point on I am a free man set loose in this world with nothing but liquid courage."

Jimin stared at him in silence and then he cocked his head to the side.

"You just finished your first semester of at least eight."

Taehyung sat up and glared at Jimin.

"You just had to ruin it didn't you?"

Jimin laughed and rested his chin on in his hands.

"It's kinda weird though isn't it? In high school winter break was just that... A break over the winter but here, well it's like a whole new start. We might not see all the same people again," Jimin stated thoughtfully. Taehyung squinted his eyes a little.

"Are you worried about seeing Yoongi?"

Sometimes Jimin really appreciated the way that his friends knew him. He was close to everyone in his friend group how could he not be? They had been together for practically their entire lives. Taehyung especially had this uncanny way of just knowing what was on Jimin's mind. There was no hiding anything from him.

Of course, sometimes that sucked because Jimin didn't always want to tell his friends everything but on days like this, it was a good thing.

"He doesn't even live in our city, I'm not going to see him for like two and a half months straight," Jimin repeated. God, he hated how pathetic he sounded. He and Yoongi had only been together for a little while and in the grand scope of things he hadn't known Yoongi long at all.

So why did he feel so hopeless when he went more than twelve hours without seeing him. Why was he so reliant on a simply getting to say hi to a guy that he hadn't even known a year ago? They were barely even officially dating...

Oh god, they were officially dating.

Half the reason that Jimin's past relationships hadn't worked out was that he was clingy. That was never outright said but... He knew that was why. He really liked the attention from the people that he liked, in fact, he craved it. He always wanted to be around them and be in their thoughts, and when he was with them he wanted them to pay attention to him.

It was selfish. Probably the most genuinely selfish thing about him. He craved that attention so much. He couldn't do that to Yoongi. What if Yoongi left him because of it?
Before Jimin could follow that particular stream of thoughts he was smacked on the head. He pouted and rubbed his head gently, looking at Taehyung in confusion.

"You're thinking too much about this," Taehyung said firmly. "I understand your concern, and it isn't misplaced but instead of spiraling about it, you should talk to Yoongi."


"Don't you guys have a date tonight anyways? I mean I don't know him very well, but I know him well enough to know that I know he would be mad at you if he knew you were hiding thoughts like that from. You two are in a relationship now. You have to be honest with him."

Jimin stared at his friend astonished by the load of advice.

Sure, he loved his friends to death, but he wasn't used to them giving him such great advice. Taehyung was right absolutely fucking right. If you weren't honest with Yoongi about how you felt there was no way he wouldn't leave you.

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