Chapter 16

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Jimin sighed, pausing briefly as he set his suitcase in the corner.

He leaned over it for just a moment, looking around the room before him.

It was a mess.

Clothes were thrown across the floor luggage scattered here and there. Even worse, boys were bouncing about, spreading the mess. He watched as Namjoon stumbled over a ball, and as Jungkook bounced on Taehyung's bed. He barely contained a laugh as he watched all the commotion.

Boy, he really had missed this.

And finally, finally, it would all go back to the way it was before.

Someone tossed a pillow at Jimin's face, but he caught it before it hit him. He chuckled and scanned the room for his attacker. He was surprised to find Jungkook looking at him with a mischievous look on his face.

"Oh, you're on Kook," he stated. He tossed the pillow back and raced across the room to a stack of pillows for ammo. "I'm declaring war on Jeon Jungkook! The floor is lava, general rules apply."

The other boys in the room stopped what they were doing and all started racing up off the floor.

"Hyungs are on Jungkook's team!" Namjoon announced. Hoseok nodded his agreement, but Jin scoffed.

"Speak for yourself old men, I'm on Jimin's side!"

Jimin started to toss his teammates pillows.

"Aim!" He directed. They all raised their pillows. "Fire!"

Pillows started flying from every corner of the room. The first casualty was Taehyung. He reached down for a pillow, and fell off the chair was his island.

"Tae is down! Tae is down," Jungkook yelled.

"Take down Namjoon, he's the weakest link!" Jin announced. They all started aiming for Namjoon who toppled over onto the floor trying to grab a pillow. Jimin began to jump around, moving from the bed to a chair to another chair, to a suitcase.

That was his fatal flaw. Once he was on the wardrobe by the door a pillow came out of nowhere, knocking him to the ground. He groaned.

"Crap, I'm out."

The chaos raged around him, but he was surprised when a pair of shoes appeared before his eyes. He looked at them with wide eyes and then looked up at the owner of them.

He'd never seen him before.

He had dark shaggy hair, with dark eyes and thin lips. He was tall, taller than Jimin, and had a smug look on his face.

"Oh, hello," Jimin said friendlily. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, actually. My name is Lee Daejung, I'm looking for Yoongi, Do you know him?" He asked politely. He held out a hand for Jimin to shake, and Jimin hesitated unsurely.

He was fairly certain that no one in this school would actively seek out Yoongi, especially not voluntarily. And there was something in the way that this... Daejung spoke that made Jimin hesitant to see the sincerity in his statement.

His words were so... So oddly deliberate.

"I'm Jimin, Yoo-"

Before he could finish introducing himself before his fingers could even brush Daejung's, his wrist was grabbed and he was curtly pulled back, away from the older boy.

Jimin looked up in surprise to find that it was Namjoon who had pulled him away.

"You don't need to talk to this guy Jimin," he assured curtly. "He's no one important."

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