Chapter Three

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Jimin entered his economics classroom and was greeted with the same sight he had been welcomed with the first time he walked through the door. A mostly empty classroom elevated in a semicircle around his professors' desk. The professor in question hadn't arrived yet. Jimin had previously sat near the front on the left end of the classroom, and normally he would sit in the same spot every class period for some sense of uniformity but...

Jimin sucked in a breath and moved towards the back of the classroom at the opposite end of the room that he had sat at before. He wondered for a terrifying moment as to whether or not Yoongi would be angry at him for moving, but then he thought maybe Yoongi had only sat directly beside him because he hadn't seen any other spots in the class, or maybe that was just where he liked to sit. This way, Jimin probably wouldn't be offending him.

He nodded, his heartbeat evening out a bit as he began to pull out some paper and work on the warm-up that was on the classroom board. It wasn't a warm-up for his class, but Jimin needed to distract himself from looking at the door to see where Yoongi was going to sit.

The warm-up was about animals. It asked him to list different characteristics of a mammal, which was rather simple. Jimin began to scribble his response when the seat beside him was jostled.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

"No, you're good," he replied dismissively. The person took a seat and Jimin could feel them staring at his paper.

"You know that warm-up isn't for our class right?" The person asked. Their voice was a little familiar. The person slurred together their words in a unique way that Jimin couldn't quite place. He didn't look up from his paper though, he just knew if he did he would subconsciously search for Yoongi.

"Yeah. Just need to keep my mind sharp," he replied.

"You're a weird guy Park Jimin."

Jimin's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know anyone in this class. Well, he did know people in this class. Just not well, and something about the way this person said his name made him a little nervous... He looked up and, sure enough, there sat Min Yoongi. He swallowed hard. He wanted to respond to the boy but he couldn't find the words, so instead, he just gaped at him like a fish on dry land. Min Yoongi cocked his head to the side.

"You okay?"

Jimin forced his mouth to shut and he nodded, a strangled sound escaping from between his lips that was so pathetic and out of place that it kicked Jimin's ass right back into gear.

"Yeah, just thinking," he replied dismissively. He forced himself to relax and turned his attention back to the front of the classroom as the godsend of a professor finally began the lesson for the day.

The next day Jimin had class he stood at the front of the classroom for a good minute. Last time, Yoongi had sat beside him even though he moved but maybe he had just wanted to sit in a different part of the classroom. Jimin decided to sit in the center of the classroom this time. He settled behind a small group of students and once again busied himself on the warm-up on the board. He was lost in the question (what family did a bee belong to?) when the chair beside him was moved. He glanced up and found Min Yoongi's expressionless face peering at him curiously. He didn't say a word this time, just kind of hovered by the chair, staring at him instead of asking the question they both knew he wanted to ask out loud. Jimin bowed his head politely towards the boy, which seemed to be enough for Yoongi as he bowed back and sat down. He glanced at Jimin's paper.

"Are you studying animal classification?" He asked him. Jimin squinted.

"Animal classification?" He asked.

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