Chapter 15

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Jimin woke up to Jihyun running rampantly up and down the hallway just outside of his room.

Jihyun loved Christmas. Jihyun loved Christmas as much as a little kid experiencing their very first Christmas. He loved the food, the lights, the decorations and he loved spending the time with his family.

Jimin had always loved Christmas too.

He matured a bit over the years thanks to Jihyun's constant childlike wonder for the holiday. He had enough genuine joy for everyone in the family to be able to experience it second hand without going a little overboard.

Jimin smiled briefly to himself and sat up in his bedroom, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

His room was just the same as ever, nothing was special. That was, of course, the reality of Christmas. People expected it to stand out from any other day of the year, and while it did, it only did because of the people you spent the day with.

In the past, it had been enough for Jimin to spend the holiday with just his family. Open presents, eat dinner, all of the above, just the four of them.

This year, however, it didn't feel like enough.

Jimin wanted to spend it with the others.

He wanted to spend the day with Yoongi, and Tae, and Jin, and everyone.

He wanted nothing more then to see Namjoon's face when he saw this book on zodiacs that he had bought him this year and to watch Taehyung get teased for how excited he would surely get if someone bought him that watch he had been wanting for so long.

He wanted to be able to sit next to Yoongi and feel his warmth as everyone laughed and made jokes and had fun.

He wanted to see everyone at the dinner table, enjoying a diverse meal that his mother had taken all day to cook.

He wanted to sneak out with Yoongi at the end of the night and kiss him in the cold under the moon.

Jimin sighed dreamily to himself, getting caught up in the fantasy for a moment.

The perfect Christmas...

He lifted himself up out of his bed and ruffled his hair with his fingers as if reacquainting himself with reality.

But he couldn't spend time with them. Not today, not on Christmas. So he got to his feet and walked out of his room.

Jihyun glanced at him, a huge smile crossing his lips.

"Jimin! Merry Christmas!" He said happily. He raced over to him and wrapped his arms around his brother. Jimin laughed.

"Merry Christmas,' he said softly in response. Jihyun pulled away and smiled.

"Oh! And guess who's here?" He asked. "I mean it was supposed to be a bit more of a surprise, but I can't help it! I'm too excited!'

Jimin frowned slightly, glancing past Jihyun. As if on cue, Yoongi poked his head around the corner of the kitchen doorway.

"You thought I'd let you celebrate Christmas without me?"

Jimin broke out into a bright smile.

God, he was an idiot to think that Yoongi would ever let him be alone on Christmas.

"And don't forget us!"

Jimin was abruptly attacked from behind, and he knew the instant that the two fell to the ground that it was none other then Taehyung. He laughed wrestling the other boy off of him.

"Woah, what are you doing here?" He asked in surprise.

"Yoongi thought we should all spend Christmas together," Namjoon said, he peered down at Jimin with an amused look on his face. Jimin sat up and looked around, and sure enough, they were all there. Jin was in the kitchen with Yoongi, while Hoseok was standing next to Namjoon. He offered Jimin a hand.

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