"So this is where all the magic happens..." Graham said under his breath, looking over the huge warehouse.

"That's right." Ama said from behind him. "This is were everything is developed and made. Well nearly everything."

Not waiting for him to follow, she walked across the shingle and into the building. As usual it was alive with activity, workers heading in different directions, getting their tasks done.

Ama went straight to the development room where her co-designer were already gathered.

"Okay people! Spring summer collection for next year is done but what, I'm concerned about was the colour choices for the swimwear line. Yellow and silver do not flatter eachother at all."

"Well that colour combo was not in any of the designs we made, I most have been a mistake alone the production line." Somebody said.

"Can we all make sure to communicate our requests and instructions to the production staff clearly and cleanly. We can't have this happen again. Now for the upcoming winter collection I was thinking..."

Ama delved deep into her work, getting back into the usual routine of things. Discussing motifs, approving and disapproving of designs. Three hours in and they'd only got a handful of credible designs for jackets.

Ama huffed out a breath and fanned herself with a folder. She felt arm's reach around her and slide her coat off her shoulders. She'd been so busy she'd forgotten to take it off.

"Taking this off may help with that problem." Graham whispered into her ear.

"Thank you my love." She said, kissing his stubbly chin. "You need to shave."

"Nah, I was thinking of growing it out for the Gala."

"You're pretty excited about the gala."

"Let's just say I did my homework, and it seems like the party of the year round here."

Ama chuckled. "You could say that. Hey, sorry for leaving you all alone, there's more to do than I thought."

"It's okay, I had a little tour, this place is like Wonka's chocolate factory, only with silk and cashmere instead. Besides, I had some emails to attend to. The deal with Hyandei pushed through, they'll be debuting the first model in about a year."

"That's great baby! Damn you just got a couple million dollars richer!" Ama praised, turning ont his arms to hug him.

"It's a good thing too. Those hats I got your sister were half a million each."

"I'm still shook. How you even managed to..."

"Shh Honey Muffin." He smirked, putting a finger over her lips. "I have my ways."

Ama giggled and kissed him again. "When we're done here, we'll go shopping for the gala then we'll head back to the office before we go home."

"Anywhere with you love, is home."

"What was you mother's name?" Bethany asked.

"Albany. Albany Henderson."

"Well you know what I think?"


"I think you were broken. Seeing your mother die and knowing who caused it broke you. I've seen my sister like that before. When she came back from China, after Eric supposedly died."

"God I hate that man!" Chris spat.

"You've met them."

"Yeah. Hate his guts, especially his twin with the fugly eyes. He's one sick motherfucker."

"Well in that case you should know that what they do is way worse than what you've done. I'm not trying to justify what you did, a crime is a crime and a criminal must be published."

"But I wasn't."

"Jail isn't always a punishment. It's a safe haven for worse criminals, those who deserves their heads on a steak. No. You are being punished, ever time you think of what you did. Having to keep it a secret. You're already paying for what you did. But at the same time, you were given. A second chance. Your uncle gave you a chance to start over and change, to be a better person.

"So don't waste it, make the most out of the freedom you have now. Not everyone has this opportunity and not everyone who does knows how to use it."

Christoph was quiet for a while taking in what Beth had said to him. She was right and they bothered knew it.

Out of nowhere, Beth wrapped her arms around him. "Don't worry Kasper. I forgive you, we can still be friends."

With a laugh, Chris hugged back. "Thank you Betty."

"Okay now it's my turn to Share."

"I'm all ears lovely." Chris said, making her blush.

"I had a friend. A childhood friend. His name is Alejandro. I was in love with him and we started dating when I was 14. But he turned out to be a real shitty person."

"What did he do?"

"He took advantage of me."

More Than Politics {Book 1}: EditingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant