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City square was jam packed, almost picturesque in it's chaos. People with banner's, poster's horns, hats, t-shirts with the Unity Party mascot blazed upon them. Ama was proud to be the sole producer of the Unity party merchandise, and the production methods she used were safe and clean, not a single thing went to waste. Anything to help mother earth.

It was an honour to have been invited to Vincent Banks first rally in Yew York City Square. It wasn't anything like Time Square, which had been bombed during the war, but it was a place of union for all those who live in the city. With a benevolent, bronze statue of President Barack Obama on the far left, it was the pride and joy of the Empire.

Never had Ama felt a buzz in the air as strong as this. These people were all alive, all different. From the very old to even the unborn, these people had come to listen and support the Unity Party in their campaign for peace and pride. These people wanted what was right for their country and for the world.

"C'est tres mervielleu Ama. Non?" A voice squeaked from beside Ama. She turned to see Phoebe had joined her by the window.

"Mais oui, Phoebe. Mais oui."

"Alright folks," Vincent called, approaching the exit of city hall. "It's show time."

Ama and Phoebe quickly joined the entourage. Cynthia-May, Frank, Chris, Hannah, some public speakers, but avoiding Graham's attention at any cost. As they strolled up to the top of the steps, the crowd roared in support. This was what they wanted, what they needed.

Once the cheering had died down, Vincent stepped up to the lectern.

"Citizens of New York city." Pause. "I am honoured, to have the great opportunity of running to be your president."

An uproar of cheers rippled through the crowd as they waited to hear more.

"I have served as state senator for a wonderful five years, and now, coming to the end of my term in office, can start a new one as your President.

"We all know how torn the world became after the war. That sorry twenty year period of time where whole nations turned against themselves. But we all made it through WWIII and what is most important is that we all keep making it through life."

By now the whole of City Square was dead silent, but Ama could still feel the electric energy on her skin. All these people watching, waiting, all over the world.

"Some politicians strive for recreation. Building up what was knocked down and returning things to how they were before. But we are not BEFORE. We, are AFTER. We are no longer just THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We are now THE EMPIRE! THE EMPIRE OF NEW AMERICA!"

Ama's heart swelled with pride as the crowd cheered and screamed their support. She could feel the passion radiating from Vincent as delivered that powerful line. It was a sign to all that this country had changed a great deal. That they could learn from their mistakes. Rise from their ashes, like a Phoenix.

"The Unity Party don't just strive for recreation. We strive for progress. Look how far we have come from the war. Just over seventy years and we're all up and running our live like nothing ever happened. But something did happen, we all know it, we feel it. From the lowest of the low to the most high and mighty, we are all aware of the problems we still face in society.

More Than Politics {Book 1}: EditingWhere stories live. Discover now