Chapter 20

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I was worried for Diana. She hasn't slept in days since Akko left. All she was trying to do was look for a cure. But there was no cure. At least I thought there wasn't. Seeing Akko suddenly regain her memories after I had hit her in the head with my wand made me feel relieved. However I knew I wasn't the one who helped Akko with her memory, no matter how you look at it I didn't help her. I saw professor Ursula give something to Akko. It was so tiny though I couldn't tell what it was.

As soon as we explained things to Akko she ran off to look for Diana.

Well at least they can be happy now.

"Unlike me."

"Huh? What do you mean Unlike me?"

"Nothing!" I tell Sucy in an annoyed voice. Looking back towards the exit I spot Lotte leaving the party holding Night Fall in her hands.

"Like hell she is!"


Ignoring Sucy I follow Lotte out to the school yard where she sat calmly reading Night Fall.

"HEY!" She jumped in fright as she turned towards me with a nervous look on her face.

"Oh. Barbra it's just you. You scared me. Is there anything you need?"

"You said we could read Night Fall together!" Sitting next to her I grab one side of the book accidentally brushing my hand against hers making me quickly let go.

"Is everything alright? I'm sorry I honestly forgot I said we could read it together."

Diana said she would accept me if I where to date a girl. But Hannah's another story. Not only that I don't even know if Lotte even likes girls, let alone likes me. I have been so harsh to her in the past...

Still. I- I want to have a happy ending like Akko and Diana.

"I actually read a few pages already but I don't mind starting over. It's nice to be with someone who likes the same stuff as you. So who do you like better? The werewolf or the vampire?"

"L-Lotte I have a confession I would like to make. At first I thought it was just a simple crush but... After I saw you without your glasses I- I fell in love with you. Your smart, cute, you like Night Fall. I want to know more about you and learn what other stuff you like. Who knows there might be even more stuff we have in common. So please, will you go out with me?"

My palms where sweaty as I gripped the bench we sat on tightly. I couldn't look at Lotte for fear of rejection....

"It's true that we have a common interest but love? I'm sorry I just I don't quite understand the meaning of love? Is it ok if we stay as friends for now? I mean I would like to get to know you more and-"

I don't know what came over me but when Lotte said she didn't get the meaning of love I kissed her. When we finally parted ways I didn't apologize for my actions. Because showing Lotte how I really felt about her was probably better then telling her.

"D- Did you hate it?"

She didn't answer me. Which was in no doubt a rejection. Standing up I could feel another piece of my heart begin to fall. The first piece that fell was when I had learned that Hannah preferred boys over girls. Still- It's her choice.

I froze as Lotte suddenly grasped my hand while looking away from me with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I- I didn't hate it..."

The piece of my heart that slowly began to fall was beginning to heal itself .

"R- Really? So then will you go out with me? I mean we can take things slow and only do things your comfortable with doing and-"

"I- I guess we could try going out, if your really ok with me?"

I couldn't help but hug Lotte happily.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret this I swear! I'll be the best girlfriend you will ever have!"

"C-Calm down Barbra... F- For now lets just finish this Night Fall story..."


Finally, I have gotten my happy ending. Thank you Lotte, for accepting me.

Authors note Annndddd COMPLETE! Took a little while to finish but I'm happy with it

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Authors note
Annndddd COMPLETE!
Took a little while to finish but I'm happy with it.

Thank you for reading! Who knows I may or may not add a + chapter of Akko and Diana grown up haven't quite decided yet.

But be sure to check out the AMV video above. I feel like that song suits my story don't you think? If not then eh still a catchy song I will forever love Taylor swift country music.

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