Chapter 11

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"Hey Akko? Do you by any chance want to stay the night with me?"

"Huh?" I was surprised by Diana's request as I shuffled nervously. Staying at someone else's dorm past curfew is strictly prohibited, I'm sure Diana knows that given that she's the favorite amongst all the teachers here.

"Um isn't it against the rules for a student to be at someone's dorm past curfew? Not to mention I'd be a nuisance to Barbra and Hannah."  I glance towards Hannah nervously.

"Oh don't worry about them and besides I can just use the transfiguration spell on Hannah turning her into you and Barbra well she can just stay in your dorm with Hannah and your friends. Not only that but the teachers trust me so they don't ever check my room."

"Aristocrat..." I mumble under my breath. My eyes widen as Diana got into my personal space once again grasping my chin just so I could face her. She didn't here me did she?

"Yes. But I'm your Aristocrat." I couldn't help but blush as she gently pressed her lips against mine right before letting me go.

"I- I suppose I could stay the night." My face was practically on fire as Diana smiled happily. From then on I made it my mission to make Diana smile everyday just so I could keep this warm feeling I was currently feeling in my chest.

"Great! I'll see you tonight then

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"Great! I'll see you tonight then. Make sure you come at exactly 7:30 and no later."

I watch Diana take her leave with Hannah making me smile. Then it hit me.... I was staying the night at Diana's! I need to hurry and pack all the stuff I need, such as movies snacks oh! And maybe she would like to play the shining chariot card game I have. Hmph it would be really interesting to see Diana loose for once. I couldn't help but grin as I enter my dorm room, like normal Saucy was experimenting with poisonous mushrooms and Lotte was reading one of her many books she brought from home.

I need to tell them.

"So uh, nice wether where having today huh?" Idiot! That's not what you where supposed to say! Neither of them said anything making me frown deeply. Honestly, could they at least pay attention to me?

"Um so I'm dating someone now..." nothing. HONESTLY! I climb onto my bed just so I can take a peek at Lotte who was entranced with her book.

"T-The person I'm dating is Diana and she wants me to spend the night at her dorm tonight so Hannah and Barbra will be sleeping here..." nothing? Ugh! Is what there doing really important?! I pout as I shake my head trying to clear it. Whatever I'll just leave the both of them a note.

I was bored as I roamed the hallway with my packed bag. Well I guess I could just try to find something to help chariot again but last time I looked I came up empty. Hmm nope, nope... ugh, I'm so bored! If Diana would just help me I'm sure The both of us would have found something by now.

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