Chapter 18

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My heart shattered more so then the first time it experienced pain.

"A-Akko... It's me, Diana."

"Akko? Diana? Your Diana? If your Diana then who's Akko? Is that me? Sorry I don't quite remember you or myself..."

Tears brimmed my vision as I looked towards the nurse for answers.

"I'm sorry ms. Cavendish but I have no idea what's wrong with Akko at the moment. There are no bumps on her head indicating that she has a head injury or concussion. But she was in the forbidden forest where you brought her from yes? I'm guessing some magical entity affected her memories making her forget everything she has learned... Akko. How old are you? Who is your mom and dad? Do you know where your at right now?"

I looked towards Akko who pointed at herself in question making the nurse nod in confirmation.

"I- I don't know. You say I am Akko but I didn't know that until now. I don't know my age nor who my mom and dad are. As for where I am at, I just don't know."

Clenching my fists as I let my tears finally fall I storm out of the nurses office rushing towards professor Ursula's room. Without knocking I storm into her room looking around for the golden flower.

However I did not find it nor professor Ursula. Looking around the academy I began to grow desperate. I didn't want any distractions, but nothing ever goes my way.

I stop as I feel a slight tug on
My shirt making me glance behind me only to see an apologetic Barbra.

"Not now Barbra, we will talk later."

"I- I really am sorry Diana, I was just- I was just jealous..."

Closing my eyes as to try and not lash out at Barbra for feeling annoyed I take a deep calming breath before facing her.

"Jealous of what? Don't tell me you love Akko to?"

"GOD NO! Akko is not my type!"

"Then why?! Why destroy the one thing I actually hold dear to me!" She couldn't look me in the eyes as she fiddled with her skirt.

"I don't have time for this."

"Because before you even met Akko I would have been cast aside or even ridiculed by you, Hannah or even the people around us if I where to ever date another girl. But when you decide to date a girl everybody around you accepts it! It's just not fair! You get everything you desire! But when it comes to normal people like me or Hannah..."

"Are you saying you love Hannah?" I felt bad for Barbra. But that doesn't mean I would forgive her for what she did with Akko and I. But still- she's right about one thing. I always get what I want without complaint or hesitation....

"Look. I'm not going to criticize you or stop you on who you want to be with. In fact I wouldn't even mind if you and Hannah where to go on a double date with Akko and I. Of course I would want to be alone with Akko but Akko likes that kind of stuff. Anyway if you like Hannah then just go for it, and if anybody tells you otherwise I'll deal with them myself."

Tears filled Barbras blue eyes filled with tears making me frown deeply as I reach my hand out to comfort her only for her to step back.

"Hannah isn't the one I like. Maybe I did a long time ago but I already knew she wouldn't accept me as a lover. Everything is so easy for you Diana. You kind, smart, beautiful, anyone would gladly accept you as a girlfriend. But when it comes to me... my love will always be unrequited!"

I watch as Barbra runs away while covering her face with her right arm.


Even though you destroyed Akko and I relationship you apologized and for that, I will do whatever I can to help you with your unrequited love. After all, that's what friends are for....

"Diana. Is everything ok? Did you need something?"

My eyes widened as I turned around to face none other then Professor Ursula.

"Professor! Thank god! Please tell me you didn't!" Stopping my sentence I spot Ursulas broom in her hands making my stomach practically drop as I clench my hands in frustration.

"You took the flower didn't you?"

"I did. Being able to fly again felt great in its own way... Anyway how is Akko doing? Is she awake yet?"

"Why don't you come see for yourself."


Ursula was shocked when Akko didn't remember her either.

"Oh Akko... what did you do? Nurse Maggie isn't there anything you could do?"

The nurse shook her head with an I'm sorry look making Ursula clench her fists as I did.

"Maybe the head mistress can help her?"

"That's a good idea!" I say in a hopeful voice only to be stopped by the nurse with a nervous look on her face.

"The head mistress has already visited Akko. There wasn't anything she could possibly do for her and because of that she is sending Akko back home with her parents..."

"NO! I WONT ALLOW IT! Akko never wanted to leave Luna Nova! Why should she go now!"

"It's for the best. I'm sorry ms. Cavendish, but there isn't anything you can do to stop this. Akko is being transported home tonight after everybody goes to bed."

"No! There has to be a way to recover her memories! Your just not looking hard enough!"

Storming out of the nurses office I rush into the library looking for anything that could help Akko. However I wasn't finding any results.

"Uh Diana. Are you ok? Do you need help with something?"

Turning towards Lotte and Sucy I threw the book I was holding down startling both of them as anger overflowed me.

"If I don't find anything on memory magic or memory recovering magic, Akko is going to be forced to leave Luna Nova. If your not busy then help me look!"

"Wait. Akko's going to leave Luna Nova? There's no way. Akko loves this place just as much as we do."

Glaring at Sucy I felt even more annoyed then before.

"Akko doesn't remember ever attending this school. She doesn't remember becoming my girlfriend, she doesn't remember YOU her OWN FRIENDS! Akko has lost her memory! But that's ok with you isn't it Sucy?"

"Why would I be ok with Akko not having her memories?"

"Because you helped Barbra destroy our relationship!" She seemed to tense as a guilty look came across her face.

"You and Akko are polar opposites. It was bound to happen one way or another."

Pulling out my wand Sucy nervously steps back while Lotte quickly steps in between us.

"WAIT! Diana, a while ago you told Akko's fortune telling her she would leave Luna Nova. Was there anything else in your fortune for her?"

Lotte's right. Now that I remember I did read Akko's Fortune.

"I'm sorry. But I can only get a glimpse of people's fortune. I can't read there full on future. I'm not strong enough for that type of magic."

"I see. Then I will help you look for a cure. Sucy you can do whatever you want. Just don't get in our way."

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