Chapter 10

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"Right so if Diana's Aura turns pink she's still has some of the Cupid bees toxin inside her but if her aura is white then she's all good. However if she is infected then I have a simple anti dote that will help remove it."

"I understand."

I watch nervously as Diana drinks the strange liquid and before Hannah and I both knew it her aura around her begin to turn a light shade of pink making me frown deeply as I intentionally avoided eye contact.

"I had a feeling you where infected by the Cupid bee after you told me what was going on. I mean someone as talented as Diana could never like someone like Akko."

"Should a teacher even be allowed to say that to there students?"

"It's fine Hannah... she's right, that's why where here to cure Diana of her disease."

"Would you even call it that?"

The potions professor hummed in deep thought before speaking...

"In this case let's just say she's infected."

I watch Diana take the antidote making her light pink aura turn white. She undoubtedly leaned against the table clutching her head in pain. After seeing her in that state I just decided to leave, I mean I was always an eyesore for Diana so I should have seen this coming.

"OUCH!" My entire body was slammed up against the wall making e grow pale as I saw a very pissed off Diana coming into my personal space.

"H-Hey D-Diana I guess the potion worked your back to your old self huh? Look I didn't know you where still infected by the Cupid bee before we kissed I-I'm sorry I promise I'll keep out of your way. I screwed my eyes shut as I saw Diana raise her hand excepting a harsh smack but much to my surprise I felt familiar soft lips up against my own making my entire body go limp. Opening my eyes it was indeed Diana Who was kissing me. But why?

 But why?

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Idiot... I told you that I loved you and yet you still doubt me. Please don't you ever turn your back on me again especially when I'm hurt! God that potion gave me a major headache your supposed to comfort me when I'm in pain you know."



"Does this mean where together? I mean the potion did get rid of the toxin inside of you right?"

"Well no, where not really together yet."



"Well what?" I'm so confused. She leaned in towards me more making me feel extremely nervous as Diana slowly became annoyed with me.

"You idiot, Diana comes from a prestigious family so it's only natural that you ask her to be your girlfriend! God watching you trying to figure things out really annoys me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"You idiot, Diana comes from a prestigious family so it's only natural that you ask her to be your girlfriend! God watching you trying to figure things out really annoys me."


Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


"I mean but she already knows I like her and she likes me so why do I have to ask her to be my... OUCH!" I glare hard as Hannah throws the Cupid's bee book at my head making me scowl deeply.

Seriously? Sigh... Fine whatever.
However as I looked into Diana's eyes I begin to grow nervous.

"D-Diana w-would you like to become my g-girlfriend?"

"Hmm I don't think so."

"Huh?" I begin to feel dejected and confused until Diana kissed me again.

"Kidding. Of course I'll be your girlfriend."

My heart swelled out of joy until our potions teacher cleared her throat gaining all of our attention.

"Not that I don't mind but could you lot get out of my classroom now, I really don't like to see students on my day off."

As me, Diana and Hannah left the potions room I bit my bottom lip as Diana held onto my hand without a care in the world.

"Um Diana, should we really be holding hands in public? I mean some people might not like..."

"I don't care what other people think, plus I want everybody to know your mine..."

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I nervously spoke.

"R-Right so what are we going to tell Barbra? I mean she doesn't exactly approve of us."

"I'll talk with her, don't worry."

"Ok. On that note do you know anything about the Wakanda tree?"

"Only that it's pollen is poisonous to witches I mean even you know that Akko, I remember you talking about it at lunch. Why do you ask?"

"Chariot can't fly and it's all my fault because she protected me from the pollen, I was hoping that you might know of a cure..."

"I don't know much but if you ask me Chariot doesn't need to be cured, after all she took away your flying ability it's only fair."

"I'm getting better at it!"

"But you still lack balance and control."

"Guess you'll just have to teach me more huh?"

"Guess so."

I can already tell Diana isn't going to help me he'll Chariot... who else can I ask about the Wakanda tree though? I mean when I overheard the professors talking they didn't seem to care wether Chariot is healed or not...

Whatever I don't need help, I'll find a way to heal Chariot myself!

"Hey A-Akko... do you by any chance want to stay the night with me?"


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