Chapter 16

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This forest was really scary at night but still. No matter what I am going to find that magical flower.

No matter how long it takes I will heal chariot!

"Huh?" as I heard a loud rumble I see a cave suddenly appear making my eyes widen as a strange green light begin to show.

"Is that someone's home? Maybe they wouldn't mind me staying for a bit?" Upon entering the cave I was surprised to see the ceiling glowing just like stars. What where they? Whatever they where it was really pretty.

I jump as a loud slam echoed behind me making me turn around only to see the entrance gone.

"NO NO NO! That was my only way out! Why did the cave opening disappear? Is there another way out? This just sucks. I shouldn't have come alone. Lotte would have brought her glowing scull thing and Sucy. Well she would have just looked around saw that red mushroom over there in the corner giggle picked it up and said a mushroom making the matter at hand feel somewhat better!"


"Well I can't do anything now but move forward." And hope that there is another way out.

Ursula Aka Shining Chariot

I glance at my familiar as it cawed loudly at me while shaking its head.

Something wasn't right...

Upon doing a simple spell I was surprised to see Akko once again in the forbidden Forrest going through a cave filled with different crystals and plants.

W-What was she doing?! Is she insane?! She herself knows that the forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason! I mean does she not remember the dangerous fire breathing chicken her and her friends nearly got killed by?!

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W-What was she doing?! Is she insane?! She herself knows that the forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason! I mean does she not remember the dangerous fire breathing chicken her and her friends nearly got killed by?!

Ugh. If only I could fly my broom I could swoop in there grab her and give her a long lesson on why she shouldn't have entered the forbidden forest...

"Of course! Diana! If she knew Akko was trapped in a cave in the forbidden Forrest she would have her head!" Leaving my room I search out for Diana and find her talking with one of the teachers.

Waiting paige fly for my turn I spoke quickly once the teacher finally left.

"Diana Akko is in trouble! She needs your help!"

"Akko's in trouble? What happened?! Where is she?!"

"She went to the forbidden forest alone!"

"THAT IDIOT! I swear when I get my hands on her I'll kill her! How can I get to the forbidden forest? More importantly to the spot where Akko is at?"


I have been roaming this cave for who know how long. All I really want is to find that flower and get out. Is that to much to ask?

Sighing heavily I couldn't help but admire the diamonds and crystals that lingered this place. It was all so pretty. Shaking my head I continue to tread forward only to come across a large pond with a large tree right in the middle. It was beautiful. I have never seen a tree quite like it before. Excitement overcame me as I saw a beautiful glowing golden flower floating around the tree. Very happily I make my way towards the pond only to be stopped by a female spirit with long flowing hair and golden eyes.

"It's been a long time since I have seen a witch come across my ranks seeking my golden flower. I will not stop you from getting it. However before you cross this pond I must warn you. The pond that is currently in front of you is a curse. If you cross it you will loose all your memories on who you are and the people you have come to know. Tell me, is my flower really that important to you?"

"I- wait. If the flower can heal people then won't it heal me when I retrieve it?"

"Smart girl. The flower will indeed heal you if you command it to. But you can only use the flower once after it is used it can never be used again."

"This is such crap! I came all this way to retrieve the flower in order to heal my professor! She can't fly anymore because of me..."

"And you yourself can't fly. Well at least not properly. You lack balance."

"Ugh. Don't you think I already know that?! Please isn't there anything you can do? Can't you reach in there for me and grab it?"

"I myself can not touch the water. This water was created by death himself. He did not want anyone retrieving this flower in order to bring back a dead loved one which is why he created this pond."

"Hang on. The flower is really that powerful?"

"It is."

"But once I retrieve the flower how will I remember who it is for?"  The spirit began to contemplate as she closed her eyes.

"Would you really sacrifice your own memories in order to obtain this flower?"

For the past few days now I have been feeling nothing but headache ever since Diana broke up with me. I wanted a way to forget her and this pain I was feeling. But loosing the rest of my memories I have made with my friends... they where all so precious to me.

"Y-Yes. I want the flower. I owe it to chariot in order to restore her power to fly. Even though she took my ability to fly she is helping me trying to gain that power back."

"Take this then and write the words you want yourself to remember."

I beamed happily as the spirit gave me a simple quil. I didn't want to loose my memories but I'm sure that there will be some magical way to get them back.

In dark ink provided by the spirit I write myself this note along my left arm.

Akko. You may not remember yourself do to your stubbornness but please. Take this golden flower to shining chariot. DO NOT take it for yourself. Also remember the friends you have made... please for me. For us. Please remember....

Taking a deep breath I toss the pen back to the spirit who smiled.

"I gave you this pen because I saw selflessness inside of you. That and faith. I know I said that there will be no way to retrieve your memories back but I believe you will overcome it. Good bye Atsuko Kagari..."

The spirit vanished making me nervously step into the large pond. My body began to tingle and drain as my memories began to fade. Grabbing the flower and making it back to shore I collapse feeling extremely tiered as I heard a familiar voice.


Huh? D- Diana?

Authors noteWelp I re watched Little witch academia and apparently the teachers found out already that ursula was actually chariot

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Authors note
Welp I re watched Little witch academia and apparently the teachers found out already that ursula was actually chariot. Kinda defeats the purpose of Diana's threat to her but eh it's my fanfic so in this story the teachers don't know that Ursula is Shining chariot.

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