Chapter 6

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I could feel Diana's fingers run through my hair as she kissed me. We where supposed to be in the library studying but one thing led to another and well Dina became a school girl in heat. Moving my head a bit to get a bit of breath Diana begins to kiss down my neck making me squirm.

"D-Diana that tickles." She suddenly gripes my butt underneath my school uniform making me squeak in surprise while she nibbles on my exposed collarbone. Although I was enjoying Diana's sudden advances I spotted Chariot headed our way scanning through books making me grow in a fit of panics.

"D-Diana Chariots coming! We need to sto- op NGH! D-Diana!" My toes curled as she touched me where nobody touched me before making my cheeks flush as I look towards Chariot who was staring intently at a certain book case. As I watched her while Diana continued to assault me I was immediately surprised as I watched Chariot pull a dark red book with a strange symbol on it exposing a secret room. She stopped for a minute her eyes connecting to mine making me grow even more embarrassed as she sent a wink towards my way.

"Sigh... Huh?! Diana I'm not ready!" I blush even more as Diana slowly begin to remove my underwear making me squirm. However vines suddenly appeared wrapping around both my wrists and ankles keeping me in place as Diana brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear finally addressing me for the first time since she started this.

"You talk to much Akko, just relax it won't hurt I promise I'll be gentle..." my face got impossibly redder as she went between my legs looking like a hungry tiger about to catch it's pray. Looking up I saw the headmistress walking her way towards us making me grow pale.

"D-Diana you can't, the headmistress..."

"Hmm? I don't care if she sees, in fact I don't care if anybody sees. It just show them that you are mine and mine alone...."

I woke up to the sound of Sucy exploding something once again.

"DIANA WE CAN'T!"  Ugh my head hurts. Was that all a Dream?

"What can't you do with Diana?"

I blush as Lotte looked towards me from above her bed curiously.

"N-Nothing it was just a dream, a-anyway I'm going to go get some breakfast." Hopping out of bed I open the door and run straight into Andrew making me bite my bottom lip. It looked as if he was about to knock.

"A-Andrew hey, what brings you here?"

"Well you never answered my question."


"About you going out with me."

"OH!" I begin to figit as Diana came to mind making me smile.

"I'm sorry but I'm already..."

"She'll go out with you."

"Huh?! But Diana! Wait when did you get here?" I was in a tight bind as Diana was her calm natural self.

"I came here to see if you wanted to get breakfast. But besides that Akko I appreciate you trying to be considerate of my feelings but you don't know wether your gay or straight. And I'd much rather you date Andrew as well as me so that you could figure it out. You see if your not gay then I don't want to be hurt in the long run, you know? So don't worry about it."

"Diana..." I felt even more conflicted. Was this a test? Does she really mean what she say?"

"As for you Andrew I won't loose!"

"Loose to what? Sorry I don't really know what's going on..."

Diana suddenly grabbed my arm pulling me towards her looking extremely defensive as her cheeks reddened.

Diana suddenly grabbed my arm pulling me towards her looking extremely defensive as her cheeks reddened

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


"S-Shut up your embarrassing me. Anyway Andrew what's going on is that I like Akko as more then a friend. But Akko doesn't know wether she's gay or straight so I told her she could date you as well as me. Seem fair?"

"I'm down with that and just so you know, I won't loose either. So Akko I guess I'll pick you up at 7 tonight? See you then."

I couldn't help but feel stunned as Andrew left felling all to confident with himself.

"But Diana I..."

"It's ok. But just so where clear if he kisses you you have better wipe your lips before coming back. Now come on let's go have some breakfast."

Great, just what did I get myself into?

You Belong With Me Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin