Chapter 5

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I felt nervous as I met up with Diana the next day. I mean this is technically my first date in like... ever. I freeze as I see Dina dressed in a nice light blue spring dress making me immediately hide.

"Crap. She dressed up. Was I supposed to dress up? I was just planning on going in my school uniform. What do I do? what do I do?!" All of a sudden my outfit formed into a blue grey romper along with a pair of matching Sandals making my eyes widen as I look up and see a satisfied Hannah hiding behind a tree.

"Thank you." I mutter to her. It's funny, I have always thought that she hated me but she's actually being really nice right now.

Taking a deep breath I step out of my hiding spot only to run into Diana making me let out a small squeal in surprise. She looked irritated.

"Your 3 minutes late."

"Ahahaha sorry about that I was trying to figure out what to wear. I mean it is my first ever date so I felt conflicted about on how I should dress." She nodded seemingly satisfied with my answer making me sigh heavily.

"You know you should know better then to lie to me."


"You can come out Hannah I know your there."

Jeez you can't keep anything from this girl.

"How did you?"

"I saw you walking down the corridor in your school uniform then I sensed someone was watching and saw Hannah behind the tree and when I turned around you where gone then when you re appeared I just put two and two together."

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't really put much thought into my outfit and then when I saw you I felt really out of place and was scared to even show my face."

"Your fine. As for you Hannah I told you not to intervene."

"I'm sorry I just, I want your day to go as you planned."

"Either way your trail ends here. And as for that outfit..."

More magic surrounded me as my blue grey romper turned into a fancy light grey dress making me blush on how short it was.

"That's better. Oh and Hannah. If I catch you watching us again you will be sleeping outside instead of in our dorm room."

"Yes mam."

I kinda felt bad. All she was trying to do was help. It wasn't long till we arrived in town and I honestly had no idea where we were even going. I mean she took me down streets I didn't even know existed.

"Um Diana where are we going?"

"Where almost there."

I froze as Diana tried leading me into a fancy restaurant.

"What's wrong Akko? This is where we are eating and then I figured we could go catch a movie and then have a bit of Ice cream as we make our way back to school."

"It's nothing it's just I never been to a place like this before, besides that one time I crashed Andrews party."

"Come on I promise your going to love the food."

I felt conflicted as I stared at The menu, everything was so expensive I mean the cheapest thing was $950 and to be honest I wasn't really fond of fish.

"What's wrong Akko?"

"Oh it's nothing I think I'm gonna pass on eating."

"Does the food not interest you? I came here with my mother all the time and loved it so I figured you would like it to."

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