Chapter 1

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I couldn't help but stare at the back of Akko's head wanting so desperately to run my fingers through her soft hair. Ever since I found her sitting all alone outside during the snow fall I felt relived, so relived that I have discovered my feelings for her. I hated seeing her so sad so I helped her make her feel better.

And now, now I can't stop thinking about her. I couldn't stop thinking about her soft hand that I touched as we both used the shining rod during our first mission with each other, I couldn't stop thinking about how close her lips where to mine so close that I could just lean in a few more inches and capture them with my own. Of course I refrained myself which was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

"Um Diana?" I look towards Hannah as she stared at my paper curiously, looking down my eyes widened as I see a heart with Akko's name plus my name making me blush furiously as I quickly scribbled it out.

"So you like Akko Huh?"

"I- It's none of your concern."

"It's alright Diana, I won't tell anyone. But on that note I have always pictured you with Andrew."

"You and everyone else, granted we would make a good couple but he's just not my type if anything he's my rival."


"Yes you see he's been getting far to close to Akko lately and I just... Seeing them together just pisses me off." Hannah laughed earning a glare from our teacher.

"Then it's settled, by the time Valentine's Day rolls around consider Akko as good as yours."

"Whatever you plan on doing I do not want you to use any kind of love magic on Akko."

"Awe your no fun."


I was so happy that I could finally ride a broom, although I still had trouble balancing Diana told me that she would be happy to teach me more stuff about flying.


I jumped up as my professor pointed at the broken statue.

"Please try to put this statue together by using the configuration spell."

"Got it!" I happily jumped over a few stairs and onto the floor gaining a warning disapproval look from the teacher.

"Reparo!" I was in deep concentration as the broken pieces started being slowly put together however things went horribly wrong as I slowly started to lose energy.

"God damn it! Why can't I get this right?!"

"Either way you tried your best, C- for the effort you put into it. Next!"

I felt depressed as I sat back down in my seat. Things would come by so easier if Chariot didn't steal half my magic when I was little. Even though I have forgiven her for it I couldn't help but still feel depressed about it.

My depression soon fated as a small piece of paper floated in front of me. Upon opening it I figured out that it was from Diana.

"Akko, I know your training hard with Chariot but I to can help you out as well with magic and your studies that you lack in. What do you say? Would you like to meet at the library later tonight?"


I couldn't help but smile, ever since she found me that day she has been super considerate and kind towards me.

As I was about to send her my reply the note was magically removed from my hand and into the teachers making me look towards her nervously as she begin to read it.

Just my luck.

"So you two are basically forming a study group with each other? I am not against it in fact I think you helping Akko is a splendid idea since your an exceptional student. However using the library at night is against the rules unless you get permission from the head mistress."

"Yes mam."

I gave Diana an I'm sorry look as she glared at me. Honestly it's not my fault I have such bad luck.

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