Chapter 48

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About an hour later, Alice pokes her head into my room and asks "May I come in?"

I drunkenly grunt in response, before stepping towards her and giving her a hug.

When I pull away, she furrows her brow "You've been drinking?"

I scoff, before returning to the bottle and taking a long swig. When I down it, I ask "What brings you here?"

She steps forward and declares "Dad and I have been making funeral arrangements. We were wondering if you'd speak on his behalf?"

I raise the bottle to my lips, before insisting "I can't."

She gives a confused look "Why not?"

I take a long drink, before declaring "He was here, last night." She furrows her brow and I take in a deep breath "We fought, and-"

She furrows her brow and asks "So what if you fought? You loved him! He loved you! It doesn't me-"

"I cheated on him!" I interrupt and her face falls flat. I place the bottle down and shrug "I could give you an explanation, like I was manic, but it won't excuse it in my head. He found out, and I sent him to his death."

She gives a confused look "Was it someone he knew?" I nod, before she asks "Who was it?"

"Two people." I tell her. She bats her eyes in shock and I shake my head "I can't be at his funeral, let alone speak on his behalf."

She gives a weak smile, before declaring "The funeral is going to be on Friday. You should come give him a goodbye."


Later that night, I lay in bed, doped out of my mind with Lithium. In the dark, I see the light in the staircase flip on before I hear a walking stick up the stairs.

When the door opens, I can hear Harry walking towards the bed. As he slides between the sheets behind me, I can hear him place his cane against the wall.

I roll in bed to find he looks at me in concern. As I stare at him, he asks "Did I wake you?"

I grunt a noise that resembles a no, before he nods and places his hand on my cheek.

He's silent for a long moment, before declaring "Some nights, I couldn't stay with you. On those nights, I never knew what happened. I couldn't just keep pawning Teddy off to the Weasleys."

He looks me in the eyes and tells me "Some nights, I'd spot someone spiking your drink. And, when I knew you wouldn't remember me, I'd feed you whatever I'd had on me, stuff your pockets with cash, and sit with you for as long as I could." He gives a weak smile "Even after that, I'd watch you from a rooftop to insure you were alright."

I bat my eyes, slowly, before he continues "We'd have in depth conversation about your school work and about Teddy as I'd gorge you with sweets."

Something recovers from my memory and I remember his face "Sometimes, we'd sit there until sunrise."

I stare at him, emotionlessly, before he smiles "One night, you were on about how something or another. I wasn't really paying attention to what you were saying. I was paying attention to the fact that all this bad happened, and you're still smiling like it's nobody's business."

He runs his thumb over my lip and sigh "It was then that I let myself accept the fact that I was madly in love with you."

He looks me in the eyes and declares "It wasn't until I woke up in that hospital that I realized, I've loved you since our sixth year at Hogwarts."

My mind just pulls me into unconsciousness. I don't even have the strength to respond.


On Thursday night, I finally muster the energy to walk around the house. Currently I sit in the bathroom. Narcissa stands behind me, chopping off locks of platinum hair.

As she trims the sides of my head, she asks "How do you want it, darling?"

I glance up in the mirror and declare "You know how I want it." She nods, before I feel her fixing my hair.

Once my hair is done, she begins to shave off my stubble "What are you going to wear tomorrow?"

"Suit." I tell her, before taking in a deep breath "Might bring my walking stick, as well."

She hums, a weak smile on her face "And who is allowed to go with you?"

I furrow my brow and declare "One person. That's it."

She nods, before asking "Harry?"

I give her a knowing look "That's probably my best bet." As she continues, I furrow my brow "Prehaps Ginny, or George."

She looks down at me and telling me "That's entirely up to you."


The next morning, I dress myself in my entirely black suit. The walking stick I leave.

Harry dresses in a blue suit. Below the blazer is a black and white striped shirt. His shoes are tan dress shoes that match his cane.

I furrow my brow and declare "You're not wearing that."

He nods, cockily "Yes, I am."

"We're going to a funeral. You're not wearing that." I insist, emotionlessly "It brings way too much attention. Have some respect."

"For the guy you killed?" He asks and I give him an annoyed look "Draco, we're going to be the two best dressed people there!"

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "You look like a fairy."

He furrows his brow and counts off on his fingers "First, so do you. Second, I am a fairy. Third, so are you. And fourth, we're going to a fairy's funeral. We're allowed to look like fairies."

I furrow my brow and declare "They're going to think that we're going to hook up."

He furrows his brow and reminds "We already have."

With a sigh, I check my watch "Well, you can't change now. We're going to be late."

He gives a smug smirk, before declaring "We look fucking fantastic."

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