Chapter 15

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When we get back to the house, I walk my ten bags of primark upstairs and start to unpack, realizing one bag is the same exact color shirt, only in different fabrics.

As I start to hang them up, there's a knock on my door, before Charlie pokes his head in. When he sees me, carefully hanging the shirts, he gives a weak smile "Hey."

I give a weak smile, before returning to work. He comes to my side and starts to help me. After a long moment, he tells me "Doctor Pryce is here. Said she wants to check you out before Doctor Williams comes over and evaluates you."

I clear my throat and take a seat on my little couch. As I sigh, he sits next to me "What's wrong?" He asks.

I motion towards the shirts and explain "I'm going mad." He cocks an eyebrow to me and I shrug "Ten different shirts, all the same color and style. And when am I ever going to use a meat grinder, or a fucking vegetable spiralizer?"

He gives a weak smile, before I tell him "Before today, I can tell you, I've only ever had sex with more than one person, to rip them off."

He scoffs, before rubbing my back, softly "Do you feel insane?"

I furrow my brow and explain "In the moment, I feel perfectly fine. Now, I know that I was manic."

He gives me a weak smile, before declaring "We'll get you better." I nod, before he asks "Ready to go down?"

I sigh and ask "Think you could give me a minute?" He gives a weak smile, before stepping out of the room.

Once I'm alone, I take a deep breath, before opening my bedside table. After I saw Jamie cheating, I shoved every photo of him into the little cupboard.

The photo that I hold was taken two years ago, when we were a healthy, happy, couple.

He had practically rebuilt my self esteem. It was taken when we had sex, weekly, and we would go to dinners at his friends.

It was Christmas, and he had talked me into wearing this awful green Christmas sweater.

I hold a glass of bourbon, and he holds a glass of white wine. He was shorter than me, and oddly muscular, despite his slender appearance. He had wild black hair, and beautiful big brown eyes.

Everyone who ever saw us together thought he was the bottom, and I was the top.

Despite the fact that he cheated, and the chance that I could have HIV, or AIDS, I don't think I could ever stop loving him.


As I step downstairs, I find Doctor Pryce in the dining room. When she sees me, she smiles, weakly "Glad to see you out of bed."

I give a weak smile, before moistening my lips and giving a dry "Yeah." I scratch my forehead, before asking "So, you wanted to check me out?"

She gives a weak smile, before motioning towards the dining room table. As I take a seat, she places her bag on the table and opens it "How are you feeling?"

I furrow my brow and tell her "I feel like my normal self." She hums, before I declare "Yes, I'm taking my meds."

She scoffs, before declaring "You know all the questions."

I give a short nod "I don't exercise. I have a normalish diet. I ate last around ten. I slept about four hours last night, and the only thing I've had to drink today is a fizzy drink, a latte, and a couple of beers."

She furrows her brow and asks "What did you eat?"

I scratch my neck as she shoves a blood pressure cuff up my arm "A chocolate croissant, and a sausage roll."

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