Chapter 43

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During a dinner with Thom's family, my pager buzzes and Thom and I sigh in unison.

Michael, who's been playing footsie since I sat down, looks to us in concern "What's wrong?"

Jackie tells him "Draco is on call." Silently, I stand as I dial the hospital number.

Once I'm away from the table, I ask the nurse on the other end of the line "What do we have?"

"Williams is preforming an appendectomy. We've got a woman in need of a caesarean section."

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "I'll be there in ten."

After hanging up, I walk back to the table and Thom asks "Do you have to go?"

I give a weak smile "I've got to help someone come into the world." I move the hair out of his face and ask "May I borrow your car?"

He hands over his keys and asks "Will I see you later tonight?"

I give him a loving smirk "I'll be at your place in a couple of hours." I motion towards the door "I've gotta run."

He's about to ask for a kiss, before remembering we're in public "Go save a life."

I hum, before hustling towards the door.


After a successful c-section, I drive towards Thom's flat. About halfway there, I cop turns on his sirens, behind me.

With an annoyed sigh, I pull to the side and wait for the officer. After a moment of waiting, I decide to look for the registration.

When I open the glovebox, I find a couple of documents sit under a pair of pink fluffy dice.

There's a knocking on my the window, before I'm blinded by a flashlight beam. The officer points it down, before I unroll the window.

I look up at him and ask "Was I speeding, officer?"

"No." He tells me, before motioning towards the opposite side of the car "Your left taillight is out."

I look over my shoulder, before looking back to him "I'm sorry, officer. I haven't noticed."

He nods, before looking me over "Where are ya comin from?"

I take in a deep breath "Work- I mean, hospital." I nod, before explaining "Just got out of surgery."

He checks his watch "Surgery, at half eleven?"

I ahhhhhh, before correcting myself "A procedure, not a surgery. My uni professor was American."

He nods, before pointing his flashlight to my name badge "You're a doctor?" I nod and he asks "Are you driving home?"

I motion down the road "I'm driving to my partner's flat. This isn't my car."

He points his flashlight to my badge and then to his notepad "That's right, this car is registered to a Thomas Augustus O'Doyle."

I moisten my lips and explain "I was called away from a dinner party, and I borrowed his car."

He furrows his brow and shines his light over to the glovebox. He scoffs, before lowering his flashlight "You are returning the car to Mister O'Doyle, tonight."

I motion down the road and clarify "That's where I'm heading, officer. You could follow me if you'd like."

He nods, before asking "Where's your car?"

I motion down the road and declare "It's at my partner's flat. Only a few kilometers away."

He thinks for a moment, before declaring "I'll need to speak with Mister O'Doyle."

I take in a deep breath and declare "I'll give him a ring, tell him to meet us downstairs."

He furrows his brow and orders "On speaker." I nod and he turns off his flashlight "Lead the way."


When I get to Thom's flat, I find him sitting on the steps. As I crawl out of his car, he stands and smiles at me, before spotting the officer.

I sigh as I reach the door "I'm going to head up. Take a shower."

He nods, before declaring "I'll be up in a minute."

I smile at him, before looking to the officer "Have a good night, officer."

He gives a weak smile "Farewell, Doctor."

As soon as I'm out of their view, I run up the stairs and into his flat.

When I open his wardrobe, I trample through his coats to find a black trench coat. In his dresser, I find a pair of black ripped jeans, and a black and white striped shirt.

I can hear the door open and close, before I shut the dresser. Anxiously, I step out of the bedroom and refuse to look at him "I've gotta go. I forgot about my five month test, tomorrow."

He speaks with an annoyed voice "That's tomorrow?"

I hum, before grabbing my keys "I'll message you, after."

He grabs hold of my waist and kisses the back of my neck "You can't stay for the night?"

I try to think of a decent excuse "My place is closer!" I pull away from him and practically sprint to my car.


As I lock the front door, Harry whispers loudly "Draco? Is that you?"

When I poke my head into the living room, he smiles at me. I take in a deep breath, before stepping forward to take a seat on his bed.

We're silent for a long moment, before I ask "Do you think we could go to the police station, tomorrow? To listen to the message from the driver?"

He nods, before I lay back on his bed "What time would you like to go?"

I shrug, before declaring "I've got an appointment, tomorrow morning."

He hums, before offering his arm for a hold. Hesitantly, I roll towards him and lay my head on his shoulder.

In less than a minute, I feel weightless and at peace. The horror that I felt, moments ago, have disappeared entirely. His permanent smell of owl feathers, parchment, ink, and broomstick polish. That wonderful smell I smelt, every night, before bed, as I held the bottle of Amortentia to my nostril. It's even more comforting than the potion.

I fall asleep faster than I ever had, that night.

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