Chapter 9

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I stand in a white room. It's so white, you don't know where the floors meet the wall, giving the illusion that it goes on forever.

It's a lucid dream, meaning I know I'm in it. In confusion, I walk towards the wall and test my hand on in.

"Malfoy?" A familiar voice calls. When I turn back, I find Harry sitting down at a clear table with only two chairs.

I furrow my brow and asks "Pottah?" He scoffs, before motioning towards the empty chair.

As I take a seat, he states "You told me that I have a ten percent chance of waking up, but didn't tell the Weasleys."

I furrow my brow and declare "I needed to give them hope, even if I knew what could truly happen."

He gives a weak smile "It's been three months, Draco. Do you really think they believe I'll wake up?"

I furrow my brow and remind "You've regained the capability to breathe on your own, two weeks ago."

He gives a weak smile and declares "Even then, I have a eighty percent of dying. Having a shitty lung, I'll never be able to fix it completely. It can give in at any minute. And you didn't tell them."

I set my jaw and he reaches out for my hand, telling me "It makes you a good man, Draco. A level of kindness that you didn't have when we were in school."

I pull my hand from him and declare "I'll never be a good man." He chuckles at me and I give him a confused look.

He smiles at me "You are so loved." He shakes his head "Look at the past few months. Who delivered Roxanne?"

I furrow my brow and declare "I did." Roxanne was born two months ago. She looks just like Fred.

Harry nods, before asking "Who does Charlie write to, everyday?"

I sigh and tell him "Me." Charlie has gone back to Romania.

He smiles and asks "Who's your drinking buddy?"

I furrow my brow and grovel "Ginny." She saw a few letters from Charlie, and I just kinda had to tell her the truth. Since then, she and I have had the best time.

Harry furrows his brow and asks "How many people live in your house?"

I think for a second, before telling him "Eight." Me, Hermione, Ron, Rose, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, and Teddy. Everyone else comes on the weekends.

He hums, before asking "Now, who is the only person who can make Rose settle down?"

I lean back in my chair and sight "I am." She started teething two months ago. As soon as I take hold of her and give her her little teething ring, she goes straight to sleep.

He smiles proudly "And who has made you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for the past three months?"

I moisten my lips and sigh "Molly." He nods and I declare "Just because they put up with me, doesn't mean that they love me."

He chuckles, before telling me "They don't start dinner, until you get home. Molly wakes up, to insure you eat a real meal before you go to work. She packed you a lunch. If they didn't love you, they wouldn't be there!"

I set my jaw and he states "Just because you're gay, doesn't mean they'll love you, any less!"

I furrow my brow in thought and he turns his head to the side, as if he was listening to someone.

He gives a short nod, before he looks to me and smiles, softly "Happy Birthday, Draco."


When I awaken, bewilderment strikes as I look over to my alarm clock to find it's three o'clock in the morning, on my day off. It's my birthday.

About a minute later, my beeper goes off. With a sigh, I turn on the lamp on my beside table and pick up to find it's not the hospital number.

As I pick up my mobile, I type the number. When I listen to the message, I find it's Doctor Pryce. She speaks in shock "Call me."

As soon as I call her, she picks up and I yawn "What's wrong?"

She's silent for a moment, before declaring "I thought I saw a person in your coma patients room."

I lay back and ask "Redhead? Brunette?" Thinking maybe one of the Weasleys were with him.

She sighs, before declaring "I was walking by and I got a glimpse of someone."

I furrow my brow and ask "Is there a reason I got a call at three o'clock in the morning?"

"I walked into his room to check on him." She takes in a shakey breath, before telling me "He's awake."

I sit up straight in bed and ask "Harry Potter?"

"He's awake." She repeats.

My heart pounds and I tell her "I'll be right there."

As I hang up, I sling out of bed. Throwing my door open, I run down my stairs and knock on the bedroom doors, before calling down the stairs "He's awake! Harry is awake!"

The two doors fly open and Ginny runs up the stairs "Harry's awake?" Ron asks as Hermione picks Rosey up, off the bed.

I nod, before ordering "Get dressed!"

After I run back up stairs, I toss off my pajama pants and jump into some black skinny jeans. I quickly pull on a green, shirt sleeve, button-down, over my undershirt.

After pull on some trainers, I grab my mobile and beeper.

I button up my shirt as I jog down the stairs. Hermione struggles to get Rosey ready, so I stop her "You, get dressed. I got her."

She steps towards the wardrobe as changes her shirt as I dress little Rose in a long sleeve baby grow suit.

As I put some pants on the four month old, Hermione buttons her shirt and remarks "You're better with her than Ron."

I smile at Rose, before joking "She can sense the fairy." Hermione grovels and I pick Rosey up, before declaring "I'm joking."

Hermione helps me put shoes on Rose, as I put a beanie on her head.

As Ron walks into the room, he holds up his mobile "Percy and Bill are on their way. Charlie didn't pick up, so I left a message."

I nod as Molly and Arthur step out of their room.

As we walk down the stairs, I find Ginny trying to get Teddy ready, only Teddy isn't a happy nine year old.

With a soft smile, I step towards Teddy and ask "What's wrong?"

He gives an annoyed look, before declaring "I'm tired."

I hum, telling him "I know you are, darling, but we've got to go!" I speak in a soft voice.

He furrows his brow and asks "Where are we going?"

I moisten my lips, before telling him "Uncle Harry woke up!" He scratches his forehead and I ask "Do you need help with your shoes?"

He shakes his head and bends down to tie his shoes, his wild blue hair everywhere.

When he stands up, he runs his eye with one hand and his hair slips to brown "Ready, Teddy?" I ask and he nods.

As I walk with him out to my car, Rose on my hip, Hermione and Ginny look at me in amusement.

When we get out to the cars, I hand Rose to Hermione and look to Teddy "Who you riding with, bub?"

He narrows his gaze at me and declares "You, if you play Tiny Dancer."

I give a short nod, before leading him over to my car. As he crawls into the backseat, Ginny gets in and remarks "Why are all the good guys, who are father material, taken or gay?"

I furrow my brow as I start up the car "Shut up."

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