Chapter 32

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As I sit next to Thom, in my office, he asks "How long does this usually take?"

"About an hour." I tell him as I prop my feet on my desk "What, do you have other plans?"

I shakes his head and tells me "I get nervous."

I scoff, before I see him tapping his pointer and middle finger, together "Jonesing?" I ask.

He sighs and stands up "I want a cigarette."

I give an amused look, before asking "Have you tried stopping, before?"

He nods and explains "Successfully, until four, or so, months back." I give him a questioning look and he tells me "Stress made me get back to them."

I hum and move to my desk chair. As I pull out a few files, he asks "What are you doing?"

I sigh, before declaring "What I do when I'm not working." I hold up the file and state "I try to figure out what I can do to help my patients."

He sits in front of me desk and asks "Do you have Harry's file in there?" I hum and he asks "What would you do to help him?"

I pull out Harry's file and declare "If his heart doesn't strengthen, I'd place him on the transplant list."

He gives an understanding look, before asking "Do they know who he hit?"

I shake my head and declare "From what I understand, Harry turned a corner and was projected forty meters from his bike. The person who hit him, drove off and called the authorities."

I sigh in annoyance and the declares "That sucks." I hum, before he asks "He's going to be alright, right?"

I shrug, before declaring "Maybe he will, maybe he won't. Just have to wait and see in the next year or so."

He nods, before Olivia pokes her head in "Got the results."

She steps in and shuts the door, before looking me over. I cock an eyebrow to her and ask "So, am I dying within the next year, or?"

She tosses my file down and declares "We couldn't find any HIV antibodies in your blood sample." I take in a deep breath and she smiles "I can definitely say that you will not die in a year, from AIDS."

I lean back in my chair and let out a breath I've been holding for a month "Thank you, Merlin!" I cry out.

She chuckles, before turning to Thomas "Shocker here. You are negative for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HEP B, and trichomoniasis."

He sighs, before declaring "You kinda havta have sex to have an STD."

In relief, I pull off my bandage and toss it in the bin, before declaring "I've got a baby to hold."


As soon as I reach Harry's room, I find he's asleep. Hermione looks to me and whispers "How did it go?"

I hold out my arms and she lets me take Rose from her. As I rock with her, I smile "Negative."

She let's out a breath of relief and asks "How would you work, if you did have HIV?"

I scoff, before looking to Thom and telling her "I wouldn't have even lived." She gives a confused look and I tell her "The strain Jaime had, would have killed me, within a year."

She gives an angered look, before asking "You didn't tell us this, why?"

I kiss Rose's forehead, before telling her "I saved everyone a month of worry, that wasn't necessary."

As I bounce Rose on my hip, she smiles with her hand in her mouth "Always chewing on something, aren't you love?"

She offers me her hand and I kiss the bit without baby slobber on it, which she smiles at and dives for my shoulder to hide her face.

I smile at her, before Hermione asks "What would you have done if you wound up positive?"

I shrug, before telling her "Die in silence."

She gives an annoyed look and I kiss Rose, as she looks to Thomas "What are you two up to?"

He shrugs, before looking to me "Grab lunch?" I shrug and he twiddles his fingers at Rose "Why, aren't you a beautiful little girl?"


As I gasp for air, through my ecstacy, Thom sits up and sparks up a cigarette. Instantly, I take it from him and snuff it out in the ashtray.

He sighs as I do "What do you have against cigarettes?"

I cock my eyebrow to him and prop myself up on my elbows "You mean, besides the lung cancer?"

He gives an annoyed look, before I pull his grey sheets over my bare chest "I lost a patient, last week."

He furrows his brow and asks "What, from lung cancer?"

I shake my head, before laying back "It was a little boy." He gives a confused look and I sigh "He was twenty pounds, and we thought he was three."

I furrow my brow in memory "He was found, naked, in a ditch, with sever brain damage."

He looks taken aback and I continue "We decided that he'd have to have his kidneys, stomach, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, and colon, removed, because his insides were a jelly."

I clear my throat and declare "His skin was mummified, because he'd never been in the sun. He was covered in bruises, and cigarette burns, and whipping scars, like from a belt." I shake my head.

He furrows his brow and asks "Who could do that to a three year old?"

I shake my head and declare "He wasn't a three year old." He gives a confused look and I state "He was eight." He takes in a breath and I shrug "His father was sexually, physically, and mentally, abusing him. He kept him in a cupboard, not even big enough for that boy to move." I take in a shakey breath and tell him "It hit home, for me."

He gives a confused look, before asking "Why?"

I shrug, before explaining "I was beaten by my father, physically and mentally. Taught that I'll always be filth." I mean towards a figurative "Harry, was mentally abused by his aunt, uncle, and cousin. He lived in a cupboard under the stairs."

I shrug "Then, there's Teddy. Both of his parents are dead, and he could have ended up like that boy."

He furrows his brow and asks "Did your father smoke?" I sigh and he cocks an eyebrow to me, before I nod. He nods, before gingerly lifting the sheets and rubbing my stomach, softly "Is he the one who did that?"

I nod and he rolls over to dig into his bedside table. As he applies a nicotine patch on his upper arm, he looks to me and asks "Is that better?"

I smile, weakly, before he rolls back to me and kisses me, softly. He smiles down at me and fixes my hair "I'm going to use the lou. Do you need anything?"

I shake my head and he rolls out of bed to pull on his boxers.

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