Chapter 29

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As we share a sticky toffee pudding, I laugh and he nods in embarrassment "You didn't?"

He motions towards his junk "Full shaft, on film. Refusing to get dressed for my first day at primary."

I nod, before remarking "You're a nudist."

He chuckles as he spoons at the pudding "No, actually." After he takes a bite, he swallows and tells me "I sleep naked, but I can't walk around just bobbing around."

I scoff, before taking a bite "That's a vivid image." He shrugs as the clock chimes nine.

After we finish our dessert, Barry takes the plate and asks "Anything else for you boys?"

Thomas looks to him and asks "Lavatory?" Barry points him to the toilet and Thom smiles to me "Pardon me."

When he's gone, Barry looks me over and asks "First date?" I quickly play dumb and he points out "You held his hand, and shared a dessert."

I furrow my brow and hand over my card. He takes it from me and nudges me, softly "He's handsome."

He leaves me and my mobile starts to ring. When I pick it up, I find it's Hermione. As soon as I pick up, I hear screaming and crying on the other end of the line.

"What's wrong?" I ask. As the wailing continues, I repeat "What's wrong?"

"Teddy went into your room! Got his hands on that potion!" She calls out, and I can hear Teddy screaming his lungs out.

Panic spreads through me as Thom steps up to me. I grab my jacket and motion towards the door "Who's next to you?" I ask Hermione.

Barry hands me my card and I slide it in my wallet as I walk out. Thom follows as Hermione tells me "Ginny, Molly, Angelina, Char-"

"Hand the phone to Charlie." I order as I cross the street. As soon as he's on the phone, I order "Urinate on the point of contact."

Thomas gives me a concerned look as Charlie asks "Why would I urinate on him?"

I take a deep breath as I tell him "Just do it! Teddy got into jellyfish venom!" As we reach the backyard fence, on the side of the yard, I look over to see Thom a couple of steps behind "Alohomora!" I whisper.

The gate opens and I allow Thom in. I can hear screaming from the house. I quickly hang up, before stepping into the house.

I look to Thom as I grab a bottle of Killbegan's "Stay down here. I'll be back in five."

He nods and I climb the stairs as Teddy screams "You peed on me!"

I shove past the Weasleys on the second floor, to get up to my room "Excuse me." they step to the side and I step into my room to find blisters on Teddy's calf.

He looks to me with the biggest, teariest eyes. I look to him and explain "I know it hurts."

I quickly grab the draught of sleep and the dittany oil. I kneel next to him and order "Open."

He opens his mouth and I pour some dittany oil in. He swallows and I open the draught of sleep "This'll make the pain go away."

He nods through his sobs and I pour some into his mouth. As soon as he swallows it, he starts to drift off.

He leans into me and wraps his arms around my waist. With a soft smile, I move the hair out of his face.

I hold out the bottle to Ginny and tell her "Saturate his wound." She takes it and I look to Angelina "Grab the cinnamon, ginger, mandrake leafs, and unicorn hair from the supplies."

FILTHY ~ Drarry Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora