Chapter 1

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In my experience, it takes a fraction of a second for someone's world to come crashing down around them.

At the instant of impact, or the second the bullet meets skin. All it takes is a fraction for a second to avoid such things. To move out of the way of the bullet.

Or, on this particular day, to swerve around the Vauxhall Astra.

I sit in the break room. All the walls and flooring throughout the hospital are the same. Two types of light grey tile that create a checkerboard. The walls have that lilac color.

It's that glorious five minutes that I call my lunch break. My regular turkey and cheese toasty, with a packet of ready salted crisps.

Not the best meal, especially for a doctor, but it does the trick.

As I finish my sandwich, my beeper sounds out that I've got a patient coming in, in need of emergency treatment.

Right after I wash my hands, I run out of the break room and stop next to the nurse's station.

The nurses are infatuated by me. A young male doctor. Most of them flirt with me on the daily.

"How was your day off, Doctor Malfoy?" The one nurse at the station asks.

I scoff, before telling her "Went on a diet last night. Lost ten stone."

She looks at me with excitement "What happened, Doctor?"

I don't even look up as I state "Found another guy in my bed." I furrow my brow, before I hear a commotion outside.

A gurney crashes through the door and a nurse sits on top of the man's chest, which is open. She pumps his heart in hand.

I run up and ask "What do we have?" As per usual, I look immediately to the chart as a paramedic explains.

"Male, mid-twenties! Motorbike collision! Thrown thirty meters! Collapsed lung, chest tube in place! Increased intracranial pressure! Heart failure, most likely due to takotsubo cardiomyopathy! Distended stomach on left side, most likely intestinal or spleen!"

I nod, before declaring "Get him back to the OR! We need to do an emergency craniectomy!"

As we fly into the OR, I get a glimpse of the patient and stop dead in my tracks.

It's Harry Potter.


After a fifteen hour surgery, in which I preformed a craniectomy to relieve the pressure on his brain, placed a chest tube on a pneumothorax lung, put in a pacemaker, fixed several bones, and removed his spleen, I crawl into my three bedroom house and crash on the couch.

A few hours later, my stomach wakes me and I slug towards the fridge. The clock reads half three in the morning.

I have to be to work in two and a half hours. With a sigh, I toss two slices of bread into the toaster and grab a can of beans.

As I heat the beans in the microwave, there's a tapping on my kitchen window and I scoff, before opening my door to allow my bird in.

He carries yesterday's news and I can't help but skim over the crap, before tossing it onto the table.

When I look over to my bird, it looks at me, knowingly. I furrow my brow and asks "What do you know, anyway?"

When my bread pops up, I toss them on a plate and smother them in beans, before taking a seat at the table.

About halfway through my breakfast, I pick up the prophet to find the minister has just had her first child.

I sigh and look to my bird "Het reading to fly." It squeaks, before I grab my notepad and starting to write.

"Dear Minister, I regret to inform you that you friend has been injured. I can not tell you in detail, but the prognosis is poor." I write the hospital, before signing off "Doctor M."

I hand the note to my bird and let it out of the back door.


As I sit in my office doing my charts, I eat my turkey and cheese toasty in silence.

Out of the deafing silence, my phone rings. When I pick up, I announce "You've reached Doctor Draco Malfoy."

"Doctor, we've got a lady her. Said her friend was the man you operated on yesterday."

I sigh, before declaring "I'll be right there."

When I hang up, I lean back in my chair and scratch my forehead, before standing up and grabbing my clipboard.

On the way down, I stop by the ICU to check in on the golden boy.

He's almost unrecognizable.

His right leg is elevated by a pulley system. I had to put pins in it. His left arm is in a cast, and it was dislocated. He's covered with scraps and bruises. And a bandage wraps around his head, from the craniectomy.

Carefully, I look over my shoulder as I dig into my pocket. When I pull out a vial of dittany extract, I shut the door and pull out a needle and syringe.

Quietly, I open the sanitary packaging and extract one millilitre of dittany extract.

As I pump it into the saline drip, I hear the ICU doors open. I quickly drop the needle into the biohazard bin and slip out.

As I try to exit the ICU, a nurse stops me "Doctor, do we have an ID for the guy in bed three?"

I hum, before looking towards bed three. It's Harry's room. I snap out of my daze and tell her "We have a possible identification. I'm on my way to speak to the identifier."

She shakes her head, before looking towards Harry's room "That poor man." She whispers "I don't think he'll live through the night."

I give a weak smile, before lying "Depends on how much of a fight he's willing to put on to survive."

She nods, before shaking her head again and walking back towards the ICU nurse's station.

In my pocket, I hold the dittany extract in my hand, hoping it does it's intended job.

With a sigh, I turn and step out of the ICU area. After a long moment of waiting in the hallway, I muster up the courage to finally face Hermione Granger.

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