Chapter 39

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It's half ten by the time I get off work the next night. As I start my car, I call Thom. When he picks up, he yawns "Hey, just get off work?"

"Do fat people like cheeseburgers?" I ask, and he's about to say something, when I interrupt "If I had to tell you, based on the thirty-five stone guy I just spent five hours, scraping lard out of his arteries, they love them!"

He's silent for a moment as I pull out of the parking lot, so I continue "And I'm all for loving yourself, and accepting your weight, but if you're morbidly obese, it's unacceptable! Get off your lazy arse, drop the fourth kabob, and go for a bloody walk, you fat sod!"

He's silent for a moment, before asking "So, how was work, besides the fat guy?"

I take in a deep breath, before declaring "Other than the fat guy, it was pretty good."

He hums, before asking "Are you heading home?" I hum and he asks "Want me to come over?"

I sigh as I check the time "I've got five hours until I've got to be up. I'd probably be asleep by the time you get there."

He takes in a deep breath, before declaring "I'll let you sleep." He's silent for a moment, before telling me "I love you."

I smile at that as I pull into the village "I love you, too."

As I hang up, the smile drops from my lips. For the rest of the drive, I can feel my shoulders tighten.

When I finally walk into the house, I find the living room television lowered in volume. When I glance in, I find Harry watching a talkshow.

He glances over to me and smiles, before waving me over. As I step in, he places his wine glass aside and I cock an eyebrow to him "You really shouldn't be drinking."

He waves it off "One and done." I give an amused look as I sit on the opposite side of his bed "How was work?"

I give an annoyed sigh as I rotate my shoulders "This mammoth of a man walks in, thirty minutes before my shift ends, complaining of chest pains."

Harry picks up his wine glass and asks "Coronary?" I sigh and nod, causing him to ask "Did he live?"

I give an annual look, before declaring "The undeserving ones always do." He gives an amused look and I sigh "If you choose to eat yourself to death, then what's the point of coming to hospital? It's not like it'll be your last heart attack!"

Harry furrows his brow and asks "It's probably not a good time to tell you there's a kabob in the microwave, is it?"

I give an annoyed look and he motions towards my shoulders "Come over here. I'll help you with that."

Hesitantly, I cross the bed and sit in front of him "Take off your vest and shirt." He orders as he digs into his nightstand.

Silently, I unbutton my shirt. As I sit it on the bed, I find he holds a bottle of massage oil.

His hands slide over my back and smiles, softly "Take off your-" he messes with the reem of my undershirt "thing."

As I pull off my shirt, his hands run over my back. I tense at the touch, before looking over my shoulder to find he takes a sip of wine.

When the cold oil meets my skin, I flinch away "Relax!" He insists in a calm voice, before starting to dig into the knots behind my shoulder blades.

The smell of lavender, rose, and eucalyptus, calms me as his hands comfort me.

As he palms out a cluster of knots, I let out a breathless moan. When he uses the ball of his hand to soothe them away, I moan out, tiredly "Ah... Harry..."

He speaks, softly "It feels good, doesn't it?" I let out a pleased moan and I feel his hands press into my back as I moves closer.

As I lean into his touch, I feel his lips press to my spine, gingerly. In my pleasure filled haze, I smile at that.

He wants me.

In amusement, I look back to him to find he looks to me, knowingly.

Then his mouth is on mine.

As we have an out and out snog feast in the middle of the bloody living room, I feel myself growing erect.

He chuckles as our lips part. When he glances down, I glance with him. Our erections are both very visible through our pants.

As we look back to one another, I can feel my lips beginning to ache from the sheer force of his kiss.

"Draco Malfoy?" He asks as he moves the hair out of my face "I'm hopelessly, and entirely, in love with you."

It feels like I've been smacked in the fucking face. The thought that he could possibly love me is just nonexistent.

I furrow my brow at him and crawl off of him, immediately "You fucking arse!" I hiss as I stand. He looks taken aback as I do "Hi, my name is Harry James Fucking Pottah, and I've been spying on you for a decade! Mind if I pour myself a glass of wine, prop my feet up on my walker, and tell you I love you, just to get in your pants!"

He furrows his brow and tells me "I don't want to get in your pants, Draco! I just want to-"

"Stop the excuses!" I hiss and he shuts up, before I point out "I have a fucking boyfriend, alright?"

He falls deafingly silent, as I pull on my shirt. As I start towards the stairs, he calls out "You deserve better!"

I furrow my brow and ask "You think you're better?"

He sits there for a moment, before ordering "Take you medication and your kabob."

I flip him off, before grabbing my pills and my food, and starting up the stairs.

That night, I couldn't sleep until I wanked off.

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