Chapter 11

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As I walk into the ER, I furrow my brow and step up to the nurse's station with Doctor Pryce "Who asked for me?"

"Suicide attempt. Bed four." I cock an eyebrow to her and she hands over a file "Said he's sorry."

In confusion, I look over the file, before sighing "Son of a bitch." The name on the file is Jamie O'Neill.

"How do you know him?" Pryce asks as we walk towards bed four.

I take in a deep breath, before stopping behind the curtain. After a moment, I open the curtain to find a nurse replacing his fluids.

I furrow my brow and ask "The fuck did you do?" Jamie looks up to me with his big brown eyes.

As the nurse walks out, Jamie's lip starts to tremble and I look over his wrists to find them his wrists slit up his forearms.

He whines and insists "I'm sorry, Draco! I'm so sorry!"

I give a feed up look and ask as I sit on the stool "So, you slit your wrists, why?"

He speaks in a trembling voice as I examine his stitches "I tried to move back into my parent's place, but they don't look at me the same."

I furrow my brow and ask "What about Jacob and Claudia? Your brother has been very accepting."

He scoffs, before declaring "They just had twins. Claudia doesn't want a fairy around her boys."

I hum, before starting to bandage his wounds "Well, you make a solid seventy-thousand pounds a year. You could easily afford a flat, somewhere. Cardiff, maybe?"

Tears start to stream down his face and he asks "How did you do it, Draco? I don't know-"

"Do what?" I ask as I grab a pair of scissors to cut off the excess bandage.

As I tape it down, he sniffles "Survive?" I scoff and he reminds "Your father beat you, and cut you, and kicked you out! You lived in a car! How'd you keep going?"

I furrow my brow and declare "Because I had to." He sobs and and I tell him "Even when I was broke, homeless, and freezing to dead, I slithered my way back up." I take his other wrist and declare "Had no family, no money, and you decide to off yourself because your family didn't kiss the ground you walk on?"

"Draco?" Doctor Pryce scolds and I cock an eyebrow to her "What are you doing?"

Jamie shakes his head and tells her "He's right, I deserve it." He looks to me and speaks in a trembling voice "You were so good to me, and I cheated on you."

He whines as I tape off his second bandage "Tell you what." He gives a confused look and I sight "Go through the seventy-two hour psych exam, we'll get everything situated, then I'll help you find a flat."

He gives a weak smile and I give one back, before he asks "What's wrong with me?"

I shrug, before telling him "That's what the seventy-two will figure out."

As I stand, I grab all the sharp objects, before walking out.

Olivia furrows her brow and asks "So... how long d-"

"Shut up." I sigh, causing her to look at me in amusement "Yeah, okay?" She raises her hands in surrender.

After a moment, she asks "Your father was abusive?"

I scoff at that, before telling her "He carved the word FILTHY in my stomach."

Her expression goes shocked as two orderlies walk into the room. As they walk into bed four, I notice Charlie dazed and confused in the hall.

As I walk towards him, I call out "Charlie!" He looks to me and smiles in excitement "Hey!"

He wraps his arms around me and chuckles "I just woke up! How's Harry?"

"Excellent!" I nod, as I back away "I mean, he can't speak or move, but he's responsive and communicating."

He nods with a wide smile, before panic spreads through the ER. When I look back, the ER nurse calls a code silver. An irrational person with a weapon.

When I turn around, I find Jamie stabbing a pair of scissors into his carotid artery.

I scream out in shock and run to his aid, as he pulls the scissors out. Blood pours down his neck for a moment, before I use my hand to block the wound.

He's body starts to topple, so I follow and hold him in my lap and tears slide down my face.

As he gasps for air, I look up to Doctor Pryce and order "Hand me a-a gauze!" She hands one over and I press it into his wound, before demanding "Tell the OR that we have a rush patient!"

She shakes her head and tells me "He won't make it, Draco."

A sob escapes my lips and I feel a hand on my cheek. Jaime looks at me, emotionlessly "I lo-" he gasps and I nod, before kissing his forehead.

"I love you!" I cry out and he let's out a rattling gurgle. I can't bare to look at him as his hand drops.

It was the moment the scissors met his neck. That was my moment of impact. Or, at least, one of my moments.

And now, all I can do is sit in shock, holding my past lover's corpse in my arms.


As I sit on a bench, in the break room, Doctor Pryce steps in and sighs "You're Jamie O'Neill's emergency contact."

I don't look up from the grey floor as I tell her "He is mine." I bite my tounge "He was mine."

She steps forward and I ask "Did I do this?" She takes a step closer and rests her hand on my back.

"I asked that exact same thing, eight years ago." She tells me, before resting her head on my shoulder "When I asked Conor to run out and grab a liter of milk."

I look continues to look down, so she continues "Despite what I asked of him, he decided to walk into a corner store that was being robbed. He's the one who decided to walk into that one, instead of the one across the street."

I give her a weak smile, before looking down to my nails to find blood under them.

I took a shower, awhile ago. Used a pair of hospital scrubs, when I was done.

She nudges me softly, before declaring "Your family wants to see you."

I take in a shakey breath, before giving a short nod. She waves through the window and I can hear the door open.

I take in another shakey breath, before standing up and putting on the facade. I cross over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

When I look over there concerned faces, to find George and his family has arrived. I ask "How's Harry?" I put on a fake smile as usual.

Hermione furrows her brow and declares "He told us to help you, before the code silver even started."

I furrow my brow and look down, before George asks "So, Jaime was a bloke?" I hum, softly.

I open the water bottle and take a long drink, as Olivia's beeper goes off. She furrows her brow and insists "Excuse me."

She walks out and Molly furrows her brow "Why didn't you tell us? It doesn't mean anything!"

I set my jaw, before taking a drink. Outside, I can see Doctor Pryce tense up. She looks back into the room in concern, before saying something and hanging up.

She storms back in and insists "Doctor Malfoy, I need you to come with me." I give her a confused look and she explains "The sooner you're given an antiretroviral, the more affective it is."

I furrow my brow and ask "Why would I have to recieve an antiretroviral."

She furrows her brow and asks "You mean you didn't get tested after you broke up?"

I give her a confused look and she takes a moment, before declaring "The lab tested Jamie's blood. He had extremely high viral load."

It hits like a brick wall and I ask "Jaime had HIV?"

She looks me over in concern and tells me "He was dying of AIDS."

FILTHY ~ Drarry Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now