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There were a few things in my life that I would never forget. I would never forget the first time I held a knife. The first time I killed. The first time I saw failure.

Many memories had burrowed a home into my mind. The most prominent of them all was what happened last week. I knew I should specifically ponder on why I failed, how I could be better. But something that I thought about, and hated to admit that I was thinking about, were these eyes.

The ones that were so empty, so desolate and lifeless that I could not physically hold its gaze. I wasn't the type that was easily intimidated but right this moment I was fucking spooked.

I turned to Raine, smiling at her briefly before digging into my food. She thought nothing of it and began to eat as well.

All the while, I still felt those eyes on me. Of the bearded man, the one that was built like a fucking semi-truck.

Was he the company that was with the target? I could see in my peripherals two silhouettes and they seemed to be the two men that were with him last week.

It suddenly made sense now. The reason why everyone was so scared of them and kept their distance. One of these three men ran the mafia and had the people in their back pocket.

Did he recognize me? Is that why he was staring so much? Fucking hell, I was in big trouble.

I mean, but it was dark right? I was wearing a lot of make-up so he clearly wouldn't know that it was me, right? I was heavily disguised... right?

I was straight up deluding myself. My heart was punching fiercely against my ribs and my hands had the slightest tremor as I absentmindedly cleared my plate.

I flexed my fingers willing the shakiness away. How the hell would the nervousness leave my body if this man was staring into my literal soul? I didn't dare to look up.

"You must have been really hungry, huh?" Raine mused looking at my empty plate.

"You want me to order you more?"

"That's not necessary." I giggled forcefully.

I wanted to say more to Raine but not under the scrutiny of this man's gaze. Raine glanced towards the target then back and me, then back at the target to rest on me finally.

She raised her eyebrows quizzically. She must have noticed something here. Her eyes held a lot of questions, she too must have been wondering why was I being stared down.

"I'm pretty much full too. I guess we're done here then," Her mouth muttered but I could see the wheels turning in her head.

I nodded and sifted through my purse, brandishing a 50 euro bill.

"How wealthy of you." She laughed looking down at the money.

From my peripherals, I saw the bearded man stand up with a phone pressed to his ear. He walked with a certain gait: the type that immensely influential men had. He walked like he knew exactly what he was capable of.

I settled the bill then we both arose in synchronicity, now headed for the entrance.

"Did you get the-" Raine squeaked as she was tugged forcefully into a booth and unto a lap.

The Archer (18+)Where stories live. Discover now