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We would be leaving tonight for Italy and so far had made no progress as a group. Since the training room incident, everyone had been keeping to themselves. We had one final meeting before we would be sent off.

That afternoon, my mother went out to The Headquarters to fetch Pueblo. In the meantime, I took a quick run down to the target room in a last attempt to sharpen my weak spots.

Rhed was in the target room when I got in.  I almost made a 180. I really did not want to be anywhere near her, especially not when deadly weapons were just a hair's breadth away.

The redhead eyed me in distaste then returned her attention to a punching bag. She was probably here because she thought she wasn't competent either. Just that thought alone had me shuffling away from the door. I had something to do and I was not about to let my dislike for her stop me.

I slowly made my way to the daggers perched on a table. I snatched up a handful. I deliberately stood farther than necessary from the target. Rhed eyed me questioningly before scoffing.

I started the task of establishing a circle of daggers on the head of the target. I was wrapping up when the target room's door suddenly opened. I didn't cease until I completed the task and was somewhat satisfied.

"Well, that's cute." A person spoke, her Jamaican accent a dead giveaway.

Rhed scoffed again and I swung around to the intruder.

Raine's grey hair was in a topknot on her head. It made her look child-like. She stood beside me and faced the target. Her grey eyes glinted playfully and I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"You have a good eye Abrielle the Archer. It's no wonder you just had your first official fail."

I smiled at her nickname for me. She knew I did archery as my specialty. Not my tainted reputation. She must have heard about me- what I was capable of. Interesting.

"You know who I am?"

"Yea mon. You're quite the young legend, if you ask me. It's nice to meet the person who has been rumored to be the best."

"A legend? The best? She's just fucking lucky," Rhed gnarled still raining punches to the punching bag, the hits more brutal.

"Lucky? Is that so?" Raine eyed Rhed who gave her a heated glare. Raine beamed at her.

Raine turned to me suddenly, "How long has your career been?"

"In a few days, it will be nine years." I replied turning to go to the target.

"And your age?"

"Turned 22 three months ago."

"You're the youngest on the mission. Perhaps even the most prolific resume I've ever come across. Incredible." Raine smiled.

Rhed scoffed again and at that point I just had it.

"Listen here, puta," I bit out, spinning around, "do you have something you want to say to me? We can go at it right now and you can get your ass beat again or we can be civilized and get along. I am willing to look past all of this for now, but if not..." I snatched a dagger off the table with intent.

One wrong move on her part and I'd have her red seeping out before me.

She completely stopped hitting the punching bag and in a rapid motion took off her top to wipe her brow. I had her full attention now and she snarled, advancing in my direction.

Raine, who was always on her toes, inserted her body between us both to create some space.

"Don't you dare. Weren't listening two days ago? No fighting." Raine spoke up.

Rhed stopped only when she was a few feet away from me.

"You thought I would come here and shake your hand after you tried to kill someone I love? Are you that fucking naïve Spaniard?"

I was never asking for her forgiveness. I despised her father and if I could go back in time, I would have finished the job. And I would be damned of the consequences. I had no remorse just as he hadn't for what he had done. But I knew she was out for blood. My blood.

However, I would rather die than to allow the animosity between us ruin this mission for me. I had so much to prove.

"If you let your vengeance cost me this mission Rhed," I stepped towards her clutching the handle of the danger, "I will personally make you suffer."

"Is that a threat, Spaniard?" Rhed locked her eyes on the dagger.

"Take it any way you want," My face now only inches away from hers, "But I said what I said."

Rhed huffed fuming, turning around and marching to the door.

"Nice ink!" Raine bellowed at Rhed.

The tattoo she referred to was of a large green four-leaf clover. It had taken up all of Rhed's upper back with script below. The penmanship was illegible.

"Oh kiss me arse!" Rhed spat before exiting.

I rolled my neck then went to the target like I had initially planned.

"So the rumors of you attacking Broderick are true then?" Raine enquired from behind me.

I thought briefly of the deal I had to make with The Hierarchy after they learned about my assassination attempt. I broke the law of harmony in the Sin Book which was our holy grail as assassins. I had to pray for The Hierarchy's mercy.

I was detained for a few days then had a private prosecution. In this world, nothing didn't carry a heavy consequence. In this instance, my fate was in the hands of the victim. Whatsoever verdict Broderick decided was to befall me and he wanted me dead. The Irish fucker liked writing death sentences.

Upon deliberation The Hierarchy denounced his wish to have my head as a mantle piece and came up with an alternative: I had to pledge myself to them. If I were to make another misstep, break another Sin Book law, they could do whatever they pleased with me.

Nobody knew I was sworn to The Hierarchy, not even my mother. Although they generally governed us, making a deal with The Hierarchy was like making a deal with the devil- fucking stupid. They were never keen to their word and many times I caught myself looking over my shoulder wondering if they were coming to wisk me away or worse: kill me themselves.

In Broderick's eyes, I wasn't punished. He believed I got a free pass, thus he started telling everyone that I attacked him for no reason. He was a Prez so naturally they believed him. It was true. I did attack him but it wasn't for no reason. For weeks on end, nobody wanted to have me as a request or even deploy me on missions. He almost single-handedly ruined my reputation.

"I suppose Broderick wasn't too happy that I made him a eunoch. Whoops." I answered finally, slightly pouting, breaking out of my reverie.

Raine started laughing hysterically and I just shook my head.

"You're funny. I suppose he deserved it. Broderick can be a dickhead sometimes. I wouldn't be too worried about Rhed either. She's all bark."

I smiled slightly, looking at her closely, "You and Bleu seem awfully close."

"We are. We've been friends for a very long time."

"If Rhed and Bleu are sisters, why isn't Bleu out for my head too? That's her father too."

Raine scratched her head in deep thought.

"Rhed and Bleu are nothing alike. I think that's a question you will have to ask her yourself."

I nodded in understanding. For all I knew, perhaps it wasn't her place to spill Bleu's familial secrets. But one thing was certain, Bleu had stopped Rhed from attacking me.

"How do you two know each other?" They were unlikely friends; Ireland being a long way from Jamaica.

Suddenly, the training room door cracked open and Pueblo's bald head appeared, "Ladies, meeting in Emelia's office now."

Raine flashed a smile in my direction, meeting Pueblo at the door.

"My dad adopted her after her mum was killed in Jamaica." Then she was gone.

The Archer (18+)Where stories live. Discover now