Nico di Angelo

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"Gah! Fuck! Move!" As I finally killed the beast, I replaced my shirt with an extra I somehow knew I'd need. "Damn gryphon.."

I've been training more and getting better.
I've really only had time for one meal a day recently.
That should really change, but we'll see.

I'm on my way to a wizards' school, Hogwarts.
Hecate was pretty rushy when she heard that I needed to get there. Honestly, I was only supposed to be there until I rounded up all the unregistered ghosts, which would be all of them, but that would've taken, what, a week? Two? No.

Now I have to spend a whole fucking school year there because Hecate demanded it.
She just.. wanted me to stay.
And I had to give in- why? Because she's a goddess, dammit.

Whatever. I'm here. I've been here for a while. Just standing here. I open the front doors of the castle, slide in and make my way to the.. what, Gate Hall? No, no... Great Hall. But I don't know where that is. I already hate this place. I'm not even a wizard.

I finally make it there, and screams erupt immediately. Like, jeez. Talk about periods.

Perks of being a demigod:
You don't have to deal with that. You just kinda.. grow. Slowly and quietly. Thank the gods.

I raise an eyebrow and make eye contact with what I'm guessing was the headmistress. She answers my silent question for me.

"Settle down, students!" They quiet down, but there are still sticks- no, wands, pointed at me. "Professor di Angelo, who are your undead friends?"

I turn around, brows furrowed, and see two armed, armored Roman legionnaires.
"Ugh." I facepalmed, "I told you not to follow me. I'm fine." I got multiple disagreeing moans from them. "No. Go. Leave." They refused to listen. I gave up. "Welp. Whatever." I shrugged, "They don't wanna leave. They're harmless unless you touch me."

There was murmuring in the color-coded crowd.
"Don't stare. It's rude. And if you have something to say, say it to my face."

A red-head from the red-&-gold table yelled, "WHAT IF HE'S A DEATH-EATER?!" That was uncalled for. How dare they! Did he just.. just... threaten a god? Fuck no.

My eyes widened, and I took my stance. I was going to stand my ground. No one can disrespect a god like that and get away with it! Not even me.

"Students! Mr. di Angelo, I apologize if this is a personal topic for you, it is for all of us, and.." The headmistress trailed off as she made eye-contact with me.

"And this is a serious felony! These.. you just let them... you can't eat fucking death!"

Everyone stared at me blankly.
A few from the green-&-silver table started laughing. I met eyes with a certain blonde I was told was here.
He looked surprised.

There's an *ahem* from the headmistress, whom was now standing beside me, "Now, Mr. di Angelo- a Death-Eater—"

"Never use the term again."

"- is what we call He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's followers."

"He-who what?"

"Voldemort." There were gasps from the crowd. Whispering.

"That's a stupid name. I want their real name. There's no one in the world actually named that."

Her eyebrows knit together. "Tom Riddle."

. . .
Oh yeah! That guy.
"Really, it's just a name. What, are the syllables haunting your dreams? The letters attacking you with spears? He's not gonna come at the sound of his half-assed name. He's dead. He's dead, and should have been dead since eighteen years ago. Seriously, fear like that could be your demise."

Now there were people gaping, whispering, murmuring and staring. Like, is that all you can do?

A Percy-lookalike stood up from the red-&-gold table, a frizzy-haired girl trying to sit him back down, "Are you serious?! I had to fight him! I've faced off with him multiple times, you haven't! Can't you have a little sympathy?! This is a hard topic for a lot of us!"

I watched the angry boy in amusement. This must be the Harvey Pottery kid dad warned me about.

"Must not be so hard for your friend there then, yeah? And you faced Tom because of your willingness to succeed, not your willingness to be sympathized for. You faced a crazy person with power. That's it. Your fear of him made him seemingly more powerful, but not physically.
See, it's a mind game. You believed that he'd be a challenge. So he was. You overestimated his power. Actually, if you could just get to him earlier, it only took a few horcruxes and a wand. Plus a willing hand to wield it. I've faced immortals. Immortal monsters, immortal people. He was mortal, stop giving yourself so much credit."

"It wasn't that easy!" He seemed angry, but more guilty. "And immortals?! You say he wasn't at least partially immortal?!"

Is he serious? He's already getting on my nerves..
"No, he wasn't. How can you even be partially immortal? He wouldn't be dead right now if he was. He was simply delaying the inevitable. You show too much care for being recognized to be a hero to me. I'll treat you the same as the rest of your friends. Detentions and all."


The old-looking headmistress nodded.
"Please welcome your new teacher, Professor di Angelo. He will be teaching your DADA class this year."

"Yes, but be prepared. We do things differently with me."

"He is from America, so he may not know the English wizarding laws. I ask of you to answer his questions about England the best you possibly can.
Have a great year!"

Professor Di Angelo [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now