Motherly!MJ X Sad!Peter

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Peter happily bounced in his seat, MJ sat across from him.

"You wanted to tell me something?" The curly-haired female spoke with a tilted head. A satchel was wrapped around her as she watched the overly excited adult in front of her.

"I got accepted into MIT!" The boy cheered, smiling widely.

"Peter! That's amazing!" MJ spoke up, grinning widely as she clasped her hands together. However, she saw Peter's face drop after her words.

"Thank you." He spoke and grinned a sad smile. MJ watched sadly and she stood up, her ripped jeans giving her a wedgie as she did so. She moved over so she was standing next to the sitting down Peter. She pulled him up and hugged him, pulling the depressed boy into her arms.

"Hey, Mr.Stark will be so proud of you." She started, playing with the curls of his hair. "You know that right." SHe informed and she heard a sniffle from her boyfriend.

She heard a soft cry come out of his lips and she frowned as she pulled away from him.

"Let's go to the cemetary, so you can tell him yourself. Okay?" She smiled sadly to the boy who just nodded with a sad smile.


Peter now sat in the grass, his girlfriend by his side. He stared at the monument in front of him. It was just a normal grave, but the things they had placed there meant the world.

Pepper had placed Tony's favorite work equiment in a box near the headstone. Clint had placed arrows that Tony had made for him, and Clint's family had placed drawings of Tony over the unsettling sight.

Bruce had placed down a picture of him and Tony and a picture of the hulk being calmed down by Tony. It was rare for anyone to calm the hulk down so it was nice to place it there.

Wanda had placed Pietro's old running shoes and a picture of her and Pietro. It was suppose to show that the twins thanked Tony for basically rescuing them from the bad people.

There were many other things there from everyone else. Peter had his old suit there and the one Tony made for him. He had made himself another one from a blueprint that Tony had left behind.

Peter ran his hand along the stone.

"Hey Mr.Stark." He started and held his girlfriends hands. "I got some good news. But first meet MJ, remember her? Yea I'm dating her now." He slowly spoke, as tears ran from his eyes.

"Anyway, I got accepted to MIT today. The one place you told me I would always get accepted into? Yea, that place. It's hard though. I have to deal with the struggle of school, to everyone in the tower being depressed and to running the company." He commented and smiled softly as he looked towards the sky.

"Well, I miss you Mr.Stark. It's depressing. You and Auntie Nat are no longer here. Uncle Thor never comes down to the compound and I reside with Clint's family and your family all the time."

"Morgan misses you. She's becoming older and realizing her dad isn't here anymore. I've been protecting her Mr.Stark. Don't worry. Aswell as Pepper.

"Anyways, I gotta go Mr.Stark." He whispered softly, MJ had already moved away to give them their space.

"I love you dad." He whispered softly, tears running down his face.

Peter could have sworn he heard a 'i love you kid' back.

    Peter could have sworn he heard a 'i love you kid' back

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