Wanda X Instruments

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Yes, this is based on an actual conversation me and my friend, Ashley, were having last night.

Its suppose to be a funny one-shot

Wanda walked down the long hallway, bouncing in excitment at what she had recently learned. The training room came to her eyesight and she smiled, a mischevious smile. When she reached the room, she quickly entered to see Bucky, Natasha, Peter and Pietro (I will not accept his or Natashas death) training.

"Hey Vanda!" She heard her brothers voice, his accent coming strong through his words. He had not taken cope to anything American, especially his accent while Wanda on the other hand had already started.

"Hey Piet." She smiled, a smile that was suppose to be innocent but screamed 'I'm defenietly up to something.'

Bucky and Nat had stopped sparring, turning to look at the other female avenger who had entered the room. Nat waved and Bucky nodded his head.

Wanda waved back as she made her way towards a closet that nobody used. She had previously put her strong weapon in there, something that can take the avengers down easily.

She opened the closet and smirked at the many shiney instruments that lined the walls. Two saxaphones sat near the door, multiple flutes and clarinets lined the walls in sword holsters and a piccolo sat in a knife holster right near them.

She could hear Pietro asking where she was going, but yet she did not awnser. She walked into the dark room and grabbed one of the flutes that hung on the wall. She moved the keys, making sure none of them where stuck. After checking, she turned back around and left the room but she defenitely made sure to close the door.

She could see from the corner of her eye that Bucky and Nat were grabbing water, but looking at her with a questioning look. Something she knew she was going to get anyway. Pietro was still talking, trying to grab his twin sisters attention. He watched in amusement as a red mist started falling from Wanda's hands.

The flute was then surrounded by a mist of her powers, holsted in the air and floating. Keys were being moved and the three others watched in both horror and amusment. One, they never learnt she knew how to play an instrument and 2. they didn't think she knew how to play an instrument besides from Pietro who knew for a fact she never learnt.

By the time the flute was in the air, high enough to reach her mouth, Bucky and Natasha were sparring one again and Pietro was grabbing water even if he was not breaking a singular sweat.

The flute was brought to the ginger's mouth, and she smirked micheviously again once more. Closing her eyes, she brought her mouth just barely above the instrument. She blew into it while her powers pushed the keys in random ways. A high-pitched noise fell from the instrument, a long noise as she smiled. It was high enough to make Bucky fall to the ground with a very surprised Natasha on top of him.

Wanda grinned before walking back to the closet to place the instrument down, knowing fully well that she was going to end up getting yelled at later. But to her it was funny, and she did not care.


Wanda was mid-fight. Taking down HYDRA guards left and right. She was right along-side Natasha as her powers spewed out from her hands.

Bucky and Steve were in the mist of guards above them, managed to do sheild and metal-arm combos.

Tony, Rhodney and Sam were flying above, killing those who where now in helicopters.

Peter was swinging around, staying away from the guards as he was told to do so but also managing to keep them all in one area.

Pietro was also helping Peter, zooming around the borders and pushing others guns away and into the crowd of death once again.

Clint was sat in a tree near the quin-jet. Far enough that his arrows will hit but not enough for him to get hit by a gun as he was still recovering from his recent mission.

Bruce was inside the building, attempting to retrieev information wihtout turning into the hulk with Thor by his side in case he was to.

There were now guards piling out from the inside of the base, to them about to be around a hundred. There was a chance that someone was going to get badly injured.

Wanda knew what she had to do.

She closed her eyes and moved her misty hands around, a red hole opening in front of her and a flute falling out. It was basically a big bag that she could summon. Strange and Loki had taught her that.

She quickly grabbed the flute and spoke into her com.

'Ya'll might wanna cover your ears.' She warned and from her eyesight, she saw Nat, Bucky frown and cover there ears. Pietro and Peter would be to far to hear it but everyone else was in sight of doing it.

Nobosy else covered their ears though.

She warned them.

She blew into the flute that was now near her mouth, a high-pitch noise erupting from it very loudly. She could see the avengers who did not cover their ears wince in pain or fall to the ground, and those guards in earsight of the flute all fell to the ground which gave Bucky and Steve and everyone else enough time to kill the remainers.

Tony was flying higher from the noise, wanting to ringing to leave his ears. Same as Rhodney and Sam. But sam had fallen to the ground in a gliding motion.

A loud roar was heard from inside the building and Wanda's eyes widened.

She then heard Thor's voice from her com.

'Uhm guys, code green.'


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