Virgil POV (14)

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I hear the piano start playing and everyone stands up. Roman and I stand with our hands interlocked. We have been dating for 2 years. Logan asked Patton to marry him, after dating for 4 years, and Patton obviously said yes. Patton and Logan decided to move to another side of the mindplace, which left the house to Roman and I. I turn around and I see Patton in a beautiful light blue dress. It looked like a ball gown and it fit Patton so well.

Thomas walks over to grab Patton's arm

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Thomas walks over to grab Patton's arm. They both start to walk down the aisle. Patton smiles and I see Thomas with tears in his eyes. I look towards Logan and I see that he is smiling. That is the most genuine smile I have ever seen from him. He loves Patton with all of his heart and it shows. Patton finally arrives at the alter and Logan grabs his hand. Picani clears his throat and everyone sits.

"We have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Logan Sanders and umm Patton Sanders. So Logan, do you take Patton to be your husband? To promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" Picani recites the basic vows and Logan slightly nods.

"I most certainly do," Logan says and I smile. He has finally found someone to keep up with his nerdiness. That is comforting.

"So Patton, do you take Logan to be your husband? To promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part?" Picani repeats but this time it is towards Patton.

"A million times yes," Patton says and he hugs Logan. They laugh.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the Patton." Picani says and the share a gentle and tender kiss. We all cheer and Patton blushes. They run down the aisle holding hands. I look over and I see Roman is crying. He is such a crybaby. I giggle at him and I put a hand on his back.

"It will be an ok babe. Don't be such a crybaby." I say as I hold out my hand for him to take. Roman looks up with a smile plastered on his face. He rolls his eyes but he accepts my hand. We walk out of the church.

~Time Skip~

Everyone is either dancing or conversating. It is a happy time full of wonder and excitement. I see Patton is singing the campfire song song at the top of his lungs. And Logan is just watching his new husband with so much warmth. It kind of shocks me how much he is expressing himself but it is his big day. So that is natural. Roman is getting me some punch. He walks back and he sits down beside me.

"Wanna go dance?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Not yet," I say as I sip my drink. As soon as it touches my tongue I spit it out. A bitter flavor spreads across my tongue. Roman looks at me with concern. I wipe the drink off of my lips and I look towards the punch. I see Remy and Remus suspiciously pouring liquid from a flask into the punch bowl. I sigh and I walk over to them. I grab the flask from Remy's hand. But I don't call them out. I just glare at them and they nod. They understand the unsaid warning. Since I am on edge I take a large swig of the liquid. It burns going down and it makes me feel warm. I just needed a little buzz. I am worried that Deceit might show up and crash their big day. I walk back to Roman who is talking to Picani. Picani sees me and he smiles. He runs towards me and he hugs me tight.

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