Virgil POV (2)

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"You never leave your room anymore Virgil. I haven't seen you eat in a few weeks. We are worried about you bud." Patton says. Logan and Roman agree. I sigh. I don't want them to worry about me more than they already do. So I will eat something in front of them so they won't worry about me anymore.

I sit down at the table and Patton squeals loudly. He runs over and hugs me from behind. I smile a fake smile. Roman brings over bacon and pancakes. I grab a small pancake and a bacon strip. I bring the bacon up to my lips and I feel myself start to shake. I take a large bite out of the strip and I swallow the piece whole. I start to cough loudly and my throat feels like it is on fire. Roman rushes over and he does the Heimlich thingy. I forgot what it is called.

I can't remember how many times he thrusts but about halfway I stop and think about the situation. Roman is grinding against me. I can feel my face start to turn red. I am going to get hard in front of my friends. I try to think about other things but my brain won't let me. I see my cock starting to poke out of my pants. I see Logan's eyes widen and Patton gasps. The piece of bacon flies out of my mouth and I feel tears slip out of my eyes in embarrassment. I rush up to my room and I throw myself onto my bed. I start to cry. The tears won't stop. After ten minutes of crying my tears start to dry up. I decide to listen to music. I put on 'Dear Insecurity' by Gnash.

I stop singing with slight tears threatening to fall. I suddenly hear clapping. I look up and Roman is standing in the doorway. I blush and avoid eye contact.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I ask and Roman laughs.

"I was on my way to the bathroom when I heard beautiful singing. I decided to see who it was. And your door was open. So that was also your fault. But damn Hot Topic you can really sing." Roman says.

"T-thanks P-Princey." I stutter out. Shit, why did I have to stutter?

"Sing something else for me," Roman says and I groan.

"No," I say

"Please," Roman says and he uses his puppy dog eyes on me. I will not let him get to me. I will not let him get to me. I will not-

"Ugh fine. But I get to pick the song." I say and Roman smiles.

"Yay, I get to hear your voice again." He says and I blush. I have the perfect song. I am going to sing 'Twisted' by Missio.

I finish singing the song, and I see Roman on the verge of tears. Roman squeals and he hugs me. His mouth gets close to my ear.

"You have such a beautiful voice, Virgil. Absolutely beautiful." Roman whispers in my ear. I shiver and he chuckles. He starts to twirl my hair with his index finger. I can feel my face turn bright red. My brain is telling me to push him away but I can't muster up any energy. So I let him play with my hair and I relax into his embrace. He then pushes me onto my back. He covers me up with my blanket and he kisses my forehead.

"Take a nap. You need some sleep." Roman says to me and I nod. Roman walks out of my room and I sigh. Why did my heartbeat so wildly when he was hugging me? Suddenly, my eyes feel like a skyscraper is weighing them down. I shut my eyes and I replay the way his gentle, soft lips kissed my forehead.

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