Cafe boy~Mingrui

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I work at a cafe it's not very popular it's just a little tiny cafe on the corner of Qui street that my parents own but I'm in charge of it,it is connected to my apartment.But there is one guy who comes everyday his name is Mingrui I know since I have to call his name but I don't do that anymore since no one really comes.He always gives me the nicest smile.I mean it could be for everyone but only me,my sister,my brother and my cousin work there and he doesn't give them that smile.

I was just waiting for another customer to arrive we actually have 8 a day not counting Mingrui but in different times.Me and my siblings and cousin just start talking.
Kadence:"Yuna has a crush on Mingrui"
Yuna:"No I don't"Ugh they are so annoying.
Jayden:"Your right cause he likes you"
Yuna:"You guys are annoying"
Zach:"Surprisingly LOL"
Yuna:"You guys are the most annoying siblings"
Zach:"I'm not your sibling"
Yuna:"Fine your the most annoying cousin"
Jayden:"Yuna And Mingrui sit-"You see him.
Yuna:"Shut up he's coming!"Jayden shuts his mouth and we all pretend to be busy.
Mingrui:"Hi can I get the usual"
Yuna:"Of course,Strawberry smoothie with a mini cake on the side"
Mingrui:"Yes please"He goes and sits where he always sits and I go to the back to make it since the others usually make the food and I bake.
Kadence:"Yuna,go talk to him I'll make it"
Yuna:"You sure?"
Kadence:"Yes now go"I go out of the back and
hesitate to go talk to him but I go ad sit in the seat in front of him and he looks up from his phone and smiles and he puts his phone down.

Mingrui:"Hi how are you?"
Yuna:"I'm doing good and you?"
Mingrui:"I'm doing good too"
Yuna:"New haircut?"I chuckled.
Mingrui:"Oh yeah haha does it look nice?"
Yuna:"It looks great"
Mingrui:"New shoes?"I look at my shoes.
Yuna:"Haha no I've had these for awhile I just don't wear them much I can't afford to buy another one"
Mingrui:"Oh well your still looking really good in them"I blush a bit which he notices.
Mingrui:"What do you like to do when your feeling sad it's a weird question but I'm curious"
Yuna:"Well I go to the park and behind the park there is a long tiny little waterfall and it's just really relaxing and I just listen to it I even fell asleep there before haha I go there a lot"
Mingrui:"Oh well I should try that sometime but I don't know where to look for it"
Yuna:"Maybe I can show you one day"Kadence comes with the food and I get up because I get to get off early since I have to study.

Mingrui POV
Yuna leaves which is a shame since I wanted to hang out with her more.But I eat my food and I see a little paper peaking out under my drink.I list it up and see a folded piece of paper so I open it up and it says.

"Hey I know you like my little sister so here's her number 971-856-9531"

I take the paper and put it in my pocket and finish the rest of my food and right before I leave I look back and see a girl who I think is Yuna's sister give me a thumbs up.

Time skip~
I decided to cal Yuna hopefully it's her number or I'm gonna be really embarrassed.

Yuna:Hello who is this?

Mingrui:It's me Mingrui
your sister gave me your

Yuna:Ohh well I'm glad you called

Mingrui:Hehe umm


Mingrui:You know what will
you go on a date with me?

Yuna:I thought you'll never ask

Word count:663
Hi I'm sorry I haven't posted much I've just been making my other ff I know that's not a good excuse but I'm trying to write more I am really sorry I didn't post for like a week and 2 days😭

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