Beautiful chaos~Xinlong

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So this is requested by @blahblahblahhumpf(hope spelt that right)
I hope this is what you were expecting.

I get taken into a room it's dark.I try finding the light switch.But my hand feels a...nose?
The lights turn on,I look around then see what my hand touched.OMG it's a person!
Huang Xiao Li:"IM SORRY!!"He gives me this weird look and I do too.Ive never seen him before.

Huang Xiao Li:"Who are you?"
Xinlong:"He Xinlong who are you?"
Huang Xiao Li:"Huang Xiao Li.Why are you in this dump?"
Xinlong:"I did some stuff...I don't want to get into detail"
Huang Xiao Li:"So do you like get in trouble a lot?"
Xinlong:"Ohh haha a lot but I don't call it trouble I call it fun"
Huang Xiao Li:"Me too!!"

Time skip~
They got to know each other and everything and started hmmmm I guess flirty my guess is that they're gonna fall in love but hey you never know🤷🏻‍♀️But they got out of detention with their points taken away of course.

Huang Xiao Li:"You know what Longlong"
Huang Xiao Li:"I like you I really do and I hope you like me too"
Xinlong:"I don't like you"
Huang Xiao Li:"Oh"She starts walking away with tears almost falling and making a giant puddle.But you had a hand on her shoulders that twisted her facing towards him and a pair of lips were on hers.
Xinlong:"Because I love you"

Time skip~
It was the last day before they graduated
(Idk if you graduate in hogwarts)
And Xinlong has a plan.They were with all they're friends(boystory) about to leave when Xinlong stoped them.He got on one knee.And said the words that will light up any girls heart.
Xinlong:"Will you marry me Huang Xiao Li?"
Huang Xiao Li:"I'll think about it"Xinlong has a confused face.And Mingrui and Zeyu start laughing and hold up a sign that said she was joking and that's the start of a new adventure.

It's short like really short I'm sorry I didn't make it longer and I really didn't add a whole lot because I don't know what you really do and all that stuff I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan and it's obvious.But I hope this what you were kinda looking for you might want to request it to another writer.Don't get me
wrong it was a good plot but I think someone else could do more with it than I can and really make it more fun.And I don't make Xinlong ffs mostly the maknae line(I know they're a Chinese g)
but it was ok because sometimes we need different people in these ffs.And Happy late New Years!!

Boystory OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora