My 5th grade crush~Shuyang

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I just came back from summer break and I can't wait to see my best friends.Im walking into school after so long.And I see Zeyu.We run and hug each other.
Y/n:"Zeyu I missed you so much"
Zeyu:"Same where's Hanyu?"
Y/n:"I don't know"
Zeyu:"Who's class are you in"
Zeyu:"I got Mrs.Park"

Time skip~Recess
Y/n:"Hanyu is in my class and so is Alli they're like best friends"I hate Alli she is so annoying she's one of those popular kids.
Zeyu:"Haha But Rose is in my class"
Y/n:"Hehehe"I shipped Rose and Zeyu last year and still do.
Y/n:"Zeyu you think your gonna have crush this year?"
Zeyu:"No you?"
Y/n:"Ya,I do every year i don't know why I liked Mingrui last year."
Zeyu:"Me either and we were gonna tell him on the last day of school haha"
Y/n:"I want a crush this year but everyone is ugly."
Lila:"Y/n bllallalalala"Just pretend she's talking about BTS since she stans them.
Lila:"Oh and here's my child"Child?!? She pushes a boy in front of me.
Lila:"Ya he's mine and Yoongi's"
Y/n:"ummm hi child"

Time skip~ 2 weeks Into October
I think I'm starting to like child but I don't even know his real name.
Y/n:"Zeyu I have a crush"
Zeyu:"What?!? Who?!?"
Zeyu:"Tell me or u won't tell you mine"
Zeyu:"Really wow"
So a couple weeks later I started looking staring at him I hope he doesn't notice.So I'm at recess and talking to Zeyu And Lila And ofc child was behind Lila.And all of a sudden I get pushed by Zeyu into child and child is getting pushed by Lila and they're saying "Oooo getting married"I could see he was uncomfortable and I was too and embarrassed.

Time skip A few days later~
Y/n:"Lila what's your child's name?"
Lila:"Shuyang" Shuyang:"Teal"They said at the same time Lila laughs and I knew he was joking.A week or 2 later I was getting out of the cafeteria to recess.And I over heard Pin,Shuyang and Lila talking about them dating.
Y/n:"Who's dating who?"I clearly knew it was Shuyang and pin dating but I wanted to be in the conversation.
Pin:"Y/n and whoever you are shhhh"
Zeyu:"Zeyu"I walk away to the field.Zeyu follows.
Zeyu:"Poor Y/n"
Y/n:"Whatever I'm happy for them I don't like him anymore anyways"I Lied I am happy for them but I still like him.

Time skip~November
This whole time we've been switching glances at each other I'm assuming that they broke up because they never talk to each other or go near each other.One day when I saw my friend in the hall I waved to her and behind was Shuyang and he thought I was waving to him so he waved back but when he noticed that I wasn't waving at him and pretended to scratch his head It was so funny but I felt bad.
So Lila has 14 kids now.
Lila:"Hey Y/n you want to be one of my kids"
Y/n:"Sure"Wait that means Shuyang is my brother omg.
Y/n:"Wait no"
Lila:"To bad not take backs"
Y/n:"Lila are any of your children older than you not counting BTS"
Lila:"Shuyang he's a year older than me"
Y/n:"Then he's older than me"

So guys that is the end of this One shot but there is gonna be a part 2 because this is a true story and Y/n is my POV and that's what happened so far with my crush.Let me show you who plays who.

Meuy Saechao plays Y/n
Ziva Goodrich is a girl and plays Yu Zeyu
Gracee/Gracelyn McBride is a girl and plays Jia Hanyu
Addi/Addison Andreson plays Alli
Mrs.Henrie plays Mrs.Hen
Mrs.Penn plays Mrs.Park
Ronnie Escobar a boy plays Rose
Esais Aryee plays Gou Mingrui
Leah plays Lila
Sergio/Child plays Ren Shuyang
Payton plays Pin

Yes this all true I am Meuy Saechao and this is what happened with Sergio so far and I am in 5th grade and 5th grade is not over yet.Everything in this is real I'm not making it up.

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