Chapter Forty ~ Cops and Robbers and Robbers Pretending to be Cops

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"Thea, Jax, I have a mission for you," Jasper said. The team stood in the precinct lobby, waiting for Detective Park to finish a conversation with the forensic technicians. "Instead of coming with us, snoop around here and find Dr. Prime's address. Go to her place and see if you can find anything about her hideout on Sera."

"Got it," Thea said. Jax added a thumbs up as he followed Thea away from the group.

Detective Park passed the two as he returned, a tablet in his hand and Officers Parr and Tary behind him. "Where are they going?" he asked.

"Officer Sparks left her refrigerator running and Officer Cure had to get a flu shot." Before Park could process what she'd said, Jasper added, "Now, let's go arrest the hell out of this guy!"

Detective Park stared at her for a moment before nodding. "All right, Mechwell lives in an apartment a few blocks from here. Top level of the Iris Complex."

"Hey, since we're down two, we can all fit in one car!" Parr exclaimed.

"Sounds great," Jasper said. "I'll drive."

Detective Park shook his head. "Absolutely not. I'll drive."


"Jasper, let him drive," Holly hissed.

"Back me up on this, Officer Starling," Jasper said with a glance at Grace. "I'm a great driver, right?"

Grace hesitated. "Uh, you are good at getting places fast."

"We aren't in a hurry," Detective Park said. "In fact, it's better we keep a low profile. We don't want Mechwell knowing we're coming."

"Fine, Detective Park can drive," Jasper conceded. "But I'm calling shotgun."

"As long as you don't play that goddamn musical soundtrack, that's fine by me." Detective Park said as they walked out of the precinct.

"How about 2000s pop music from Earth?"

"Never heard it, but I'm sure it's better than what I've been listening to."

Holly interjected. "Actually, it would be helpful if we got some details on Mechwell before we arrive."

"Good point." Detective Park handed his tablet to Jasper. "Here, you can read his file."

"Fun," Jasper muttered.

They piled into the car, and Jasper scrolled through the text and photos while they drove. Ro Mechwell was a short, bald guy with pastel pink skin and big round ears. His demeanor in his ID photo was far from menacing. "He's got an office job at the Sagev Department of Transportation."

"Doesn't sound like the killer type," Parr said from the back.

"You'd be surprised," Tary replied. "I saw this movie once where a guy—"

"Lives alone," Jasper interrupted. "We shouldn't have to deal with anyone else during the arrest."

"Don't get your hopes up," Detective Park said. "Civilians tend to get in the way. They hear there's a criminal on the loose and come running to get a closer look. Or, play hero and try to catch the guy for us."

They pulled into the apartment complex parking lot not long after that. On their way into the building, Detective Park barked orders. "We'll split up, in case he tries to run. I'll knock on his door. Parr, Tary, take the ground level exits. Jasper, Mud, Starling, I want you by the elevators and stairs on his floor. Someone on the east side, someone on the west. If anyone sees him, radio in so we can converge."

People out front stopped in their tracks to watch them enter. "Whoa, police are here!" a man exclaimed.

"I'm not blind, dumbass. I see them too," the guy next to him replied.

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