Chapter Fourteen ~ How I Got Caught Shoplifting At Mota Mart (Gone Wrong)...

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Chapter Fourteen ~ How I Got Caught Shoplifting At Mota Mart (Gone Wrong) (Storytime) (Not Clickbait) (Police Called)


Would it be best for Jasper to fight her way out of this? Or to find some way to deal with this employee without causing a scene? Was he some low-level worker who didn't get paid enough to care if she got away, or would he chase her?

"I'll meet you by the entrance," Jasper muttered to Grace.

"No, she needs to come too," the employee said. He was short, but heavily muscled. Orange skin. Shaved head.

Jasper shook her head. "Listen, she didn't do anything. I—"

The guy folded his arms, and Jasper caught the briefest glimpse of the Blade tattoo under his sleeve as the fabric shifted. Uh oh. This part of the city was neutral territory, last Jasper had checked. She'd assumed the manager was selling to whatever small gangs hung out in the area, not Starr's personal army.

"Fine, she can go," the Blade said.

"No," Jasper replied. "Never mind. You're right. She should come too."

Confusion crossed Grace's face. "What?"

"I mean, you're an accomplice this point." Jasper tried to give Grace a look that said, 'trust me.'

"Suit yourself. Things are going to go the same for you either way," the Blade warned. Jasper's eyes narrowed. What was the plan? Take them to a back room where more Red Blades could kill two of Starr's biggest targets?

The Blade stepped toward Jasper and held out a hand. "Oh, and we've got metal detectors hidden at the entrance," he said, voice so low only Jasper could hear. "A gun, three daggers, a couple of throwing weren't expecting a fight, were you? Go ahead and hand those over now."

Jasper's gaze flickered to Grace. "Or what?"

"You don't have to die today, Van Terra. Make things easy for us, and you could walk away."

With a sigh, Jasper pulled out her weapons and slammed them into his hand one by one. She tried to avoid meeting Grace's gaze, but their eyes locked for a heartbeat. Had Grace picked up on the fact that this had nothing to do with shoplifting? The confusion in her eyes was shifting to fear.

"How long did it take you to recognize us?" Jasper asked.

"You have more important things to worry about." The Blade slipped the weapons into the small bag at his side and gestured for Jasper and Grace to follow him. Once they were out of the public eye, they were as good as dead. Jasper wouldn't be concerned about fighting the Blades if she were alone—she could use anything as a weapon—but she had to account for Grace, who was the real target here. They needed to get out before the Blades could trap them.

They were almost to the back rooms. Now or never. Jasper was fast, but they were expecting that. She needed something better than fast.

She needed a distraction.

"I'm sorry I took the soda," Jasper said. "I'll put it back, if you like."

The Blade gave her a weird look. "The Nova Cora? You do realize we don't care—"

Jasper held the bottle up in the air. "See? I'll put it on that shelf."

"If you insist, I guess," the Blade muttered. "Makes inventory easier. But no funny business." He leaned toward Jasper "There are more of us around than you think."

"I'm just putting it back. Don't even want it." Jasper did want the Nova Cora actually. She had been looking forward to it. Ugh. She slowly set the bottle on the shelf, keeping both hands visible. "See?" She rested an elbow on the shelf and leaned into it slightly. "No problem."

Van TerraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin