Chapter 01

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Looking down at my babies sleeping on the bed I crossed my arm over my chest then clasped onto my shoulder. A small smile crept onto my lips watching how beautiful they looked. The only one who even looked like me a little bit was Kassir, they all had their fathers looks. Everyone's been wondering what's going on with Ashley. Well right after Kingston's funeral we ended up moving back to NOLA. I couldn't be that far away from my family anymore because not only did I need help but I needed my mother.

I didn't take his death easily, when he died I went into deep depression , not alone though. Ashton has been a wreck since loosing his father no matter what anyone says he's just a sad little soul. I wish I could do something to cheer my prince up but nothing I do can help. I still think about King every day, his body was never found. Due to that his mother believed I had something to do with his death. So I decided since she wanted to be petty she wouldn't be able to see the kids until she got her little attitude together. That was two years ago , guess her attitude still messed up if you ask me.

Antonio still comes to see the kids when he can, that seems to make Ash happy. Maybe because Ant and King some what favored each other in some ways. All I do is stay to myself taking care of my kids and basically never leaving the house. People keep saying King wouldn't want me to be miserable, he would want me to go out and mingle knowing damn well that's a lie. We all know King's stubborn ass wanted me with no one but him.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard little whimpers coming from Kashmere's mouth. I walked over to the side of the bed she was sleep on and I placed my hand on the side of her face to see if her fever went down, it didn't. Kash is two years old and she's sassy just like her mother, I love this little girl. Her eyes opened up slowly, she used her small hands to rub the crust from her eyes. "Maa." She dragged out sitting up, she began to whine a little and I lifted her up into my arms. I walked out the room then shut the door quietly I didn't want to wake up the beast, which is Kassir. He's a little bad ass and when he's sleep my mother's house is so peaceful.

"Is my babies woke yet ?" My father asked while I walked down the steps. Yes my foster father, I still don't have a good relationship with my real parents, and I don't care. We talk sometimes but it's never anything serious or nothing long.

"Kash is woke daddy but the boys are still out cold. I hope it stays that way for the next couple hours." I walked over to him giving him her. She held onto his neck when she was bought into his arms, I made my way to the kitchen to see my mother cooking like always. "Momma what you cooking'?"

"Guh let me tell you, I'm cooking this gumbo because your father won't leave me the hell alone about it okay?" She explained to me her deep accent evident. We both burst out laughing loudly at what she said and how she said it. She's been cooking gumbo for literally the last two weeks because of my father's wishes. It got so bad Elijah stopped coming over for dinner until she cooked something different. "

I guess I'll have to take the kids out to dinner tonight. Tasmanian devil says he can't eat that anymore because Tazes don't do that, Ashton said he'll throw up and Kashmere refuses to eat at all." My mother just chuckled at my statement even though she knew I was more than serious.

"They are you and Aaron's kids for sure, they're bad asses too just like you were when you were a child. They'll grow out of it some day, but I do have a feelin that Kassir is going to grow up to be the partier of your children."

"I don't know about that mom, Kassir is a bit socially awkward. When people talk to him he backs away with the weirdest little looks on his face and runs off. I wish I could break him from that but when he's around people he knows everything is fine." I laid my head against my hand. "King could help him out of it.." I mumbled lowly.

"Well baby girl he's watching his kids from above. They need you to be there for them because daddy isn't here anymore."

"Mom you don't think it's weird they never found his body. If he killed himself where is his body ? That can not be a coincidence ?" She shook her head at me. I've been thinking about this for the last couple years. Yes we had a funeral but it was more of a memorial. I'm the only one who believes he just got away instead of killing himself. "He wanted to die , he wanted to be dead but in reality I don't think he killed himself." My mom opened her mouth to say something but the kitchen doors burst open.

"MAAAAAAAAA!" Kassir screamed and his little feet slapped against the hard tile that was in the kitchen. He jumped onto my chair climbing onto my legs. "Mommy help."

"Come here pooka." I helped him into my lap bouncing him up and down. He giggled pulling at the ends of my hair.

No matter what anyone has to say , until his body is found.. I will not believe Kingston Aaron Wright is dead. Say what you want...

So I finally decided I'd finish book 2 this time doing it the way I wanted. So please read , vote and Comment !! Thank you !

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