Chapter 5

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Picture of Noelle's Cabin

Noelle's POV

What the hell is that noise?   Ahh!  I come out here for some peace and quiet and it sounds like someone is running a goddamn chain saw.   Who the hell would be cutting down trees in this weather?   By the time I got settled last night the weather took a turn for the worse and the snow was coming down so bad that you couldn't see 5 feet.  

Grabbing my jacket off the hook, I stepped into my boots and headed outside to see what the ruckus was.   So I was correct, it was a chain saw and it was cutting up a tree that had fallen across my driveway. 

"Hey!  HEY!!!"  Suddenly the peace returned as the chain saw was turned off."

"Oh hello Noelle.  We are almost finished with this, where do you want the wood stacked up?"

Finally recognition set in.  Nic, my hero from yesterday, and main character of my dream last night stood before me.   There were two other guys standing off to the side that I just noticed.   Great.   Just fucking great.   Why of all people was it him?  

"Nic.  Can I kindly ask what the hell you are doing running a chainsaw at 8:00am in the morning, on my first fucking day of vacation I might add!"  Yes I was pissed to say the least.   I just spent hours fantasizing about this man and now here he is.   My embarrassment from remembering my dreams quickly turned into anger.   I just couldn't face this man, especially after what he did to me in my dream.   Hell just thinking about it had me soaking my panties.  

"Well Red, my brothers and I noticed the tree that fell down from the storm last night and decided to be neighborly and assist you in cutting it up for you.   That way on your first fucking day of vacation you wouldn't be bothered with having to do it yourself.   Also if you noticed you are blocked in, so if there was an emergency you would be trapped."

God, now I felt like such an idiot.  Way to go Red.   Wait what did he call me.   "The name is Noelle, not Red and I am sorry for being a bitch.   I am not used to others lending a hand."  Turning to the two other gentleman, "Hi, sorry about that.   Haven't had my morning coffee yet.   I am Noelle Snow.   Thank you so much for doing this and there is a wood stack on the side of the house, you can just put everything there.   Really nice of you to take time out of your day to do this."

"Not a problem miss.   I am Nate and this is Nash.   We are Nicholas's brothers.   And really with the 3 of us we will have it all done in 20 minutes.   It was a pleasure meeting you Noelle.  You really are as beautiful has Nicholas said you were."  Reaching over Nash smacked him in the stomach before reaching to shake my hand.

Turning my gaze back to Nic or Nicholas, not sure what to call him, "Um, yeah um when you are all finished just come on it and let me know what I owe you."   Stuttering like a school girl, I ducked my head and walked back inside.   So what.   Mister sexy thought I was beautiful.   I wasn't model material, but I wasn't hit with the ugly stick either.   I got asked out plenty, but I guess you could say I was gun shy after having my heart broken.   Cheating bastard.   Two years and I am still not over it.  Him yes.  The betrayal no.

Turning on my coffee maker, I started to pull out the ingredients to make some biscuits.   As I was placing them in the oven,  I heard the front door open.   Yelling out that  I was in the kitchen, Nic appeared in the doorway.  Oh boy.   The man was a Greek god.   He was the whole Christmas package, dark wavy hair that touched his collar, but not to long.   Hair that you could rub your fingers through, hair you could really grab on to.   He had a five o'clock shadow, usually I hated facial hair, but on him it just made him more desirable.   And his eyes.  Blue.   Deep blue.   Definitely bedroom eyes.   Eyes that were currently making their way up and down my body.   If I was frosty the snowman I would totally be a puddle on the floor right about now.   

Tis the Season: A Christmas RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now