Chapter 2 (Arastoo) - The Writing on the Wall

Start from the beginning

"Arastoo, I am honored." The younger said, "This is an excellent list, almost everyone I have heard of is qualified for this dig. But I know that there are those that are more qualified than me. Like your past student, Seth Lykoudis, has more experience working with you in labs and on a few digs. Even though we have worked in labs and other places, this will be our first dig together. Hell, this will be my first dig ever! Plus, I have never heard of the Zagros Mountains!"

Arastoo noticed a little bit of an act, and a lie.

"Actually, you are more qualified than Seth." Arastoo reverberated, "Unlike him you know the real purpose of this dig. About a quarter of the people on these files know there is definitely more to this dig as well, but they wish to remain anonymous. As for Seth, I personally do not want him involved and to discover this secret. His parents died before they could decide if they should pass on the secrets they were entrusted with, including this one. Seth should not have to know until everybody else knows. In truth, I really want you to get the experience of being out in the field and I want you to be the one to determine and announce our discovery and this secret to the public. Your name will go down in the history books! Your name will be recognized globally! As will the Zagros Mountains!"

"Wow, I do not know what to say Arastoo. Now I am really honored to know you and to be on your team." The younger man continued, "Out of all the candidates for you to choose from after Seth left to go do his thesis in Seattle, now I know why you chose me. Thank you. When my Family told me of the secrets they were allowed to and could know, they explained to me the dangers and risks involved. Are you sure that you want to go public with this?"

"Oh, I am more than sure. Like my own Family, I became an archaeologist just to investigate and find evidence to these secrets. The Middle East and my home country of Iran is the epicenter of this secret. So far, from everything that I have learned and hope to find, this secret originated in the Zagros Mountains. From there it spread everywhere else, to China, Japan, Europe, and eventually North America. I feel that humanity should learn of this secret since it will change our pre-history!"

"Good. All is settled then. I will go with you and for you. I may have everything to lose but I have equal if not more to gain. Let us show them that eventually secrets will be exposed." The younger man concluded getting ready to leave, "Let me get started packing right away."

"That sounds very good my friend." Arastoo confirmed with a handshake.

Before heading off, the younger man paused, hesitated, and asked one more question. "Do you really think that those... mountains, could really hold evidence and the remains of humans and wolves and the old relationship?"

He tried not to show his shock at this new revelation. This young man definitely knew more than he was letting on as well. There was no going back now and he could not lie to him.

"That is what I am hopeful and fearful about." Arastoo replied, reluctantly.

"Yes, so am I. That is what makes this discovery that more exciting. See you in less than a week!" The younger man agreed as he finally left.

Sitting there with a bit of trepidation but still content with his choice, Dr. Arastoo Safavi finished up drinking his tea before heading out to some of his classes and then eventually, to more of his appointments.

Dinner time outside of UCLA campus

At a restaurant, Fernando López sat at a table reserved for three. He was the first to arrive out of Dr. Arastoo Safavi and Darrel Keenan. Fernando and Darrel were both selected by Dr. Safavi for their expertise in bioarcheology and geology, respectively. Both young men are close to completing their doctorate degrees in these fields. Fernando and Darrel have been friends since middle school and stayed in touch but even though they pursued different career paths, have always managed to bump into each other. Tonight, felt and was a bit different though. Both men knew of Dr. Safavi and his work and the purpose of the dig but only one knew the real reason for the dig, at least, that was what seemed apparent to Arastoo. Darrel was second to arrive and sat down after shaking hands with and hugging Fernando.

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