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Entering a new school was always scary the first time, but I usually try to focus on the usual routines that occur the rest of the year, and then the first day doesn't seem so frightening. I was able to survive the first week of school, and take hold of all my classes with their assignments and projects.

I had the perfect apartment rented that was close to the center of campus, and I even had a bicycle that I could ride around so I wouldn't tire myself out too much walking. This was honestly my first choice when I was graduating high school and I wanted to be sure I made the best choice in completing my education.

My favorite class with is what I'm majoring in was Philosophy. Another class that I liked was Art, but I honestly believe it's useless to "teach art", because it's a form of self-expression and since art comes from within, it's impossible to teach it rather than just embrace it.

Ever since I was in high school, I had to be by myself after Remington got himself involved in illegal activities and then he and Sebastian thought it was best that I stay away from all that mess so I don't get killed. Now I go by Emerson Barrett on paper and in person.

I do appreciate that my older brothers want to protect me from Rem's involvement in the mafia and the possible fatal backlash that could come if anyone knew we were all related, but for longer than necessary, I miss my family more than I should bear.

I knew this last stage of my education would require me to be completely independent, but a part of me wants to be able to show my remaining family what I've accomplished and that I didn't halt my life when our parents died. I kept going and did what I believed would make them proud.

I was lucky I didn't get sent to fight in the Second World War. Remington had me stay in a disabled safehouse so I wouldn't be forced to go even if I was enlisted. Still, I felt so much pity for all my old friends whose souls were murdered after returning home, if they survived.

A million more of these thoughts were going through my head when I was walking through the halls of one of the buildings on campus, and I was almost late to my next class, which was my favorite: Philosophy.

When I got there, I was a little too late and someone took my favorite seat in the middle section of the seats. I was forced to take one of the empty seats in the back, which I hate since I'm unable to hear the professor very well from here.

A minute after all the students in this class were seated, the professor who was an old man with half-moon shaped glasses and a bald head spoke up over the talking of the classmates, "Alright, class. The first week's over, so now it's time to make it more serious in this course."

All the students groaned, and I rolled my eyes in amusement. Then we heard someone knocking on the open classroom door, but I kept my head down believing it was just some other professor or staff member with a question for the professor.

"Yes, how may I help you?", he asked loud enough from in front of the class. The other voice who responded turned out to belong to a girl, "Hello, my name is Lois Coraline. I'm new to the school and wanted to know if there are still any empty spots in this class."

I then looked up and my mind stopped and my heart skipped a beat as I laid my eyes on who may have been the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life. Big, beautiful eyes and wild and long, black hair captured my attention, but when she glanced at me, her smile captured my heart. I looked down hoping to hide my blush after being infatuated by her grin.

"Well, Miss Coraline", the professor spoke once more, "You're about a week late into our lessons, but I'm sure your classmates will help you catch up. You may take a seat in the back for now if you intend to stay."

She nodded and said, "Thank you", then proceeded to walk over to where I was. I tried so hard to contain my enthusiasm as she ended up taking a seat next to mine, but I knew I was horrible at being inconspicuous. "Hey there", I heard her say to me and I looked up and felt my heart stop as her iridescent eyes were looking into mine.

"H-hi", was all I could mutter out after 15 seconds of just staring at her and looking like an idiot. She beamed so brightly, I would do anything on Earth to keep that beautiful smile on her full lips that were almost enticing.

"What's your name?", she asked sweetly, and I was careful to answer, like each time someone wanted to know me better, "Emerson Barrett, Miss Coraline."

She giggled, making my heart soar, as she replied with, "Please, Emerson. Call me Lois. I'm not that old yet." I chuckled at her joke, and it may have been my imagination, but I could have sworn there was a hint of pink on her cheeks when I laughed a little.

"Lois", I said, "What a beautiful name." "Sounds really grownup to me, but thank you for saying that", she replied, "I like your name too. It's very elegant, like yourself." My expression dropped when she said that, and she repeated the same actions.

We were left staring at each other until the teacher brought our attention back to the class and we turned our heads to the lesson he was teaching.

In the middle of the lecture, I found myself staring at Lois again, and I couldn't believe how beautiful and spirited she was. I didn't realize how much I've wanted to meet someone like her in my life and now that I have, I wouldn't mind sitting in the back of the class if it meant I could be this close to her everyday.

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