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6 years later - Remington

"Sir Remington, it's always an honor to have you enter our store."

It was always so nice to visit the local family businesses, because the owners were always so nice and I loved seeing their children. I wanted to make sure they were able to grow up and help their families when they are old enough.

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Lucas. How are the wife and kids these days?", I greeted with a smile as my two loyal bodyguards, the twins Richard and Edward, stood by the store entrance, making sure there were no threats inside or out.

"Aye, they're just perfect. The kids' mother is preparing them for their first day of school next week. They're a bit nervous, but at least they'll have some friends from the neighborhood to accompany them. Your insurance has been helping us save for this special part of their lives me and Susie had been praying for ever since Josh and Katie were born."

"That's good to hear. Had any trouble bothering you lately?"

"Not this month, Sir. But ya know, life can be unexpected sometimes."

"Not while I'm in control. You can call me anytime you're getting in trouble, as long as you keep paying for my insurance."

"Yes, Sir Remington. You'll always have our loyalty after everything you've done to protect us from the city's bastard leaders."

I smiled and shook Mr. Lucas's hand before nodding to my guards, letting them know my business here was done. They walked ahead of me while two other guards walked behind me, shielding me from any danger.

We were able to walk back to my limo and drive back to my hotel. I like to call it a sanctuary mostly, for civilians who are unable to pay for a house or apartment, and need someplace to sleep. It was simply despicable what the political officials did when they bought a vast amount of property where many former homeowners lived just to create more estate for the rich and greedy.

As I walked into my hotel, I greeted the kind clerk who knew me for a long time after I bought the building to myself over a year ago. "Good evening, Sir Remington. Anything to send up to your room?"

I nodded and requested, "Yes, Linda. Can you please send up some super for the night?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Surprise me."

Soon enough, it was just me and my two loyal guards who went up on the elevator while the rest stayed close to the hotel door entrance to keep it guarded.

"So, Richard, Edward", I asked facing away from them and just keeping my gaze on the doors as the elevator rose up, "How are your parents?"

They stayed silent for a moment, but I understood. Survivor's guilt will drive any discharged soldier to talk less, but they always did to me at least.

"Our mother and father are living comfortably and they keep sending you gratitude for everything you've done to help us all", Edward spoke for them both.

I nodded, remembering how I saved their parents from being killed by cops while they tried to escape the city, but I took them out myself and granted them a one-way trip out of this Hellhole in exchange for their sons' service to me so they'd be safe from anyone who might come back for them.

"I'm glad to hear that. Is there anything I can do for them? Or you?"

It was Richard's turn to speak as he shook his head, "No, Sir. We're okay for the moment and only wish to continue what we're doing to keep them alive."

I nodded once more, satisfied that my two trusted guards continued to stay with me since I was able to save their parents and save them from being thrown in a loony bin. I couldn't let their family be torn apart by this destructive society. I knew way too much what that felt like, and I swore never to let anyone feel broken by the system.

When we finally reached the top floor, we walked to my room and I turned to the twins and remarked, "You guys get some rest for the night. I'll get some other guards to take the night shift." They looked at each other then me, and nodded and each shook my hand before walking away as I pulled the hotel key out of my jacket and turn the lock to open the door and enter inside.

It was the master suite with a fully-equipped bathroom and my own minibar. There was a small office for me to manage my personal finances while I have some other accountants managing business finances.

I did happen to have two beds in my room, but the second is usually not needed because I barely let anyone stay with me, except maybe my older brother Sebastian, who works as one of my attorneys.

Once in a while, I'll invite a dame to spend the night if I'm feeling lonely or just want to feel something, but I try not to attach myself to anyone while I live this kind of life. There's no such thing as a happy ending for me as long as I keep making deals with the devil in order to save others from his dark and tempting influence.

I unravel my casual business look and strip down to just my sleepwear pants and no shirt since I don't really like to get them wrinkled. I collapsed on my bed and think about how far I've come and what I had to do to get to where I am now.

When I finally found the son of a bitch who killed my parents, I stole a gun and straight up shot him in his own hotel room. After making it look like a suicide and cleaning the gun of my prints, I worked my ass off by threatening multiple bosses to hand over their financial links to the city over to me or they'd suffer the same fate. When I gained enough power, I was able to buy my own branch of protection not just for me, but to protect the unwanted outcasts of Retrouvaille who were being abused by the corrupted system of the city who wanted to get rid of them. Sure, I had to make some tough decisions here and there every now and then, but now people trust me to keep them safe from the same cops who were supposed to protect them and instead torment them.

My brothers didn't like the choices I made to become who I am now after our parents were killed, but I needed to make sure this would never happen again to some undeserving family who would suffer the same fate with the wrong person in charge. We decided it would be best to keep each other safe from my criminal rival, Miles Porter -  who kills men, women and children and has ties to the political leaders of this city - by changing our last names permanently and legally to our middle names and no one would use any of us to use against us.

I hoped Emerson was doing good in school so far, especially since he started college now, and that he's safe from my world and knows in his heart I always think of him and wants him to live a better life away from this fucked up lifestyle I've dealt myself into voluntarily.

I turned to my side and let the sounds and noises of the city drift me into a deep slumber as I closed my eyes, and wondered what my purpose in life is if I'm not an angel but not exactly a devil.

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