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Another day, another case won for one of Rem's clients who was seen killing one of Miles' cops when they were harassing a woman in an alleyway. I was very good at arguing how they were using self-defense or implementing the "Good Samaritan" act when it involved innocent civilians who could have been killed if not arrested.

After the judge pounded his gavel, it was like a gun in a race for me to take my leave. Everyone in the courtroom was too ambitious and greedy, which I hated, and they only seemed to care about winning instead of doing the right thing. It's as if everything I learned in law school doesn't mean shit if everyone who earned their license uses it more like a meal ticket.

At least I know I'm doing the right thing: protecting my brother who looks out for the unprotected civilians of this city and making sure justice is done right even if I have to defend the bad decisions he has to make to keep innocent people safe.

On my way out, I bumped into someone and dropped my files. I kneeled down to pick them up and looked up to see who I had ran into. As soon as we locked eyes, an automatic smile spread across my face while they had a scowl on theirs.

"Hello again, Ms. Avonlea", I greeted her as she huffed under her breath and adjusted the glasses on her face.

"Mr. Danzig", she hissed at me, "Must everytime I run into you have to be so chaotic? It's already an inconvenience to have to deal with you in the courtroom everyday."

I chuckled at her fiery spirit and joked, "Aww, come on, Evelyn. I'd miss you, and I know you'd miss me. It's nice to know someone's just as passionate about the law as me."

She rolled her eyes at me. I was the only one who called her Evelyn which she hates, but she let's it slide most of the time.

"You can spout all the bullshit you want about self-defense in your client's actions, but there's nothing to be passionate about defending an entire group of despicable gangsters and criminals."

It was then I walked up to her face, and she stood there wide-eyed and waiting for what I might do. With our faces just inches from each other, I uttered keeping eye contact with her and not blinking once.

"You and I both know my client's choices and actions might be against the law, but the people you're defending aren't any better for the crap they've been pulling before my client went into power. You may think you're doing the right thing, but maybe it's with the wrong people."

I then walked away from her, leaving her slightly spooked as she brushed some hair from her face and walked in the opposite direction.

I'm not playing around with her, I really like her. But she seems to have followed the rules for so long, she's forgotten what's more important than just playing by the rules to be safe. I wish she could just see that, and she wouldn't be so blind to know her clients are all immoral bastards.

She tries to make me feel bad for defending my brother who chose this lifestyle of going against the law that's supposed to protect people, but the assholes who make it don't even enforce it themselves. Believing they're invincible and can treat civilians like scum and dirt on the streets.

I will never regret protecting Remington for trying to do the right thing, which in his words is making sure no one suffers the same fate as our parents. I understand that, but if things had been different in this city and with our parents, maybe he wouldn't have become who he is now.

Still, I might never admit this because I'm not sure he'd believe this, but I really am proud of what he's accomplished for the past couple of years for the outcasts of this horrible place. He put himself last and placed everyone else above him when he wanted to create some kind of empire where he'd use his power to keep people safe and weaken the abusive control of this city.

When we decided to change our last names, Remington and I believed it was best for Emerson to keep going to school. We paid for him to go to the best one in the state, Caspian Private University, and I hoped he would be comfortable there even if we can't be with him for his own safety. But we know he wasn smarter than his own generation and he would easily accomplish anything he does.

I finally walked out of the courthouse and into my Sports Coupe. I sat in the driver's seat and pondered about Remington. Lately he seems like he wants to do something more than he's already doing. I've seen him look at businesses owners with their families and it seems like he wants something they have.

I don't know if criminals like him are meant to have such things like love and family in his life, but I do hope he does find some kind of happiness in his life.

Worst thing that could happen for him is not that he would be killed or betrayed.

But that he might end up like his mafia rival, Miles Porter.

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