Chapter 7

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*Seraphina's POV*

I went to braid Catherina's hair. I braided her hair in a style common for girl royalty. I used to practice on Margot until I perfected it. Still, it was so complicated of a technique that it could only ever be done on another person, one could not do it to themselves. As I was braiding Caterina's hair, Helena was braiding my own in another style.

"This is a style very common amongst the girls in our village. It's called the Tuna tail." She stated. I laughed at the name. I promised Helena that tomorrow I'd braid her hair the same way as Caterina's. She requested another royal hairstyle because she didn't want to match her 5 year old sister. Good thing I knew about 4 other popular ones.

Helena wanted to know about everything Castle life. It was difficult for me to keep up the guise of being a maid, and I kept switching in and out of character. How would a chamber maid be able to describe in such perfect detail the decor of the main dining room used for important lunches and dinners? Normally maids wouldn't have access to this kind of  area.  Furthermore,I spoke to her of the smell of my favorite meal, of the ball room used for special castle hosted dances, and especially the style of gowns usually worn to such events. The girls were so enraptured in my story that they didn't think twice about what I was telling them.

I turned my attention to the doorway and I realized Malakiy has been watching us the entire time and he was grinning. He looked so handsome when he smiled.

When hair braiding was finished, Malakiy and I went for a walk in the forest. I don't remember who asked who but it was more like our feet mutually carried us to the forest before our minds could process what was happening.

"You and the girls get along so well." He turned to look at me. His eyes had a kind of tranquility in them that I had seldom seen before. I wondered what my eyes showed him in return. Getting out of the castle was good for us.

"I'm like the older sister they never had. I doubt you braided their hair when they were young." He shook his head to confirm. We both chuckled.

"You're doing a great job pretending to be a maid. Tell me, how could a maid get so much access into these private castle rooms." His eyes twinkled with mischief and humor.

"By being a sneaky maid. You can get away with lots of things when you don't have a bodyguard." I teased, poking him lightly in the rib. I wondered if I was overstepping a boundary. We agreed to be cordial but not too friendly with one another.

He didn't seem to mind."Very very true. Well there's one woman who sees past your maid story." He was referring to his mom.

My eyes went wide. "How does she know?"

Malakiy shook his head and laughed. He proceeded to tell me exactly what she said. I was mortified. Malakiy doubled over in laughter. My face was bright red in embarrassment.

"It's my fault, I should have said you were her tutor or something. I picked the worst job on the planet to give you." His laughter became louder.

This just reinforced everything he said about me. I was spoiled and a brat. I could have at least made up my bed. Malakiy was sleeping on the cold hard floor and I couldn't even do the bare minimum and make up a stupid bed. She probably folded my sheets for me and everything. I was so used to having my bed made up, it didn't even cross my mind that she was doing it for me.

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