Chapter 3

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The whole castle was in disarray, why? Because my brother decided to make an unscheduled visit to the castle. He never alerted anyone when he was coming home, he just showed up.He  once had a turbulent relationship with my parents. They had hoped for a girl the first time they had conceived, needless to say he was an unwelcomed surprise. In fact, it was seen as a bad omen for a royal to have a boy first. It was rare for that to happen amongst pure blooded originals.

My parents weren't like normal parents who didn't care what they had as long as they were healthy. No, they had every intention of only having one child, a daughter. They believed his unwelcome arrival was a curse, a sign that the moon goddess was displeased with their mating. Luckily, their next attempts proved successful, and here I came to be. Albeit 3 yrs late. William disagreed with this retelling of the story but he never offered his own version of events.

They treated him like an afterthought for several years, which rightfully angered him. But then when I came into the world and he saw how restrictive they acted towards me; he became grateful. He could do anything, go anywhere, even without a bodyguard in his later years. They were not obsessed with his safety as they were with mine. Feeling no longer resentful towards them, he attempted to have a relationship with them, and it really got better in the last few years. He brought interesting stories of his adventures and his holidays, and life in the city. He had a fiancée, Rebecca, who I adored. We were 2 years apart but got along so well. Every time she visited, I got to have fun with them. They even convinced my stoic parents to let me enjoy myself outside of the castle. For example, we sometimes went shopping in the neighboring village. My brother could be quite persuasive.

Margot informed me that his fiancée wanted to speak to me. I told Margot to let her in. Rebecca was tall, blond, with amber colored eyes and freckles under her eyes and on her nose. She had a warm, dazzling sort of beauty, the kind of beauty you tried to steal several glances at, no matter if you've known the person for years. I still caught my brother doing it every now and then.

"Hey there stranger."She knocked on my door."Who is that handsome man, standing outside of it?" She plopped down on the edge of my bed, folding her legs inwards.

I laughed, glad that I was not the only one noticing how attractive he was. "His name is Malakiy, he's my new guard."

"How long has he been guarding you?" She asked curiously.

"A week." Had it already been a week? It felt like only three days.

"Wow, you must really get along with him then." She knew my propensity for swiftly getting rid of guards.

"I know he's just my bodyguard, but we get along so well. I always have to start the conversation, but once I do we can have hour-long conversations about books, and paintings, and music. I have never had that kind of interaction before, with anyone.

"Hmm... are you developing a crush on him?" Rebecca whispered. Her face gave away that she thought this whole thing to be innocent and cute.

"God...I think so. And the worse thing is, whenever I touch him, there's this tingling sensation afterwards. Sometimes I find myself brushing past him just to verify that it's not my imagination." I admitted. I assumed Rebecca would just laugh and say that that was bizarre indeed.

A troubled look that crossed her face. Immediately I straightened up, wondering if I said something out of place. "Seraphina, listen to me. What you just told me, don't repeat that to anyone ok. I'm assuming you haven't mentioned this to your parents."



"What does this all mean?" My eyes pleaded with her for answers.

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