Chapter 18

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It took 4 days, but finally we were reunited with my family. My relationship with Seraphina was no longer rocky. Still I carried guilt in me that would take some time to get over. We had promised each other that we would forgive each other, but there was so much hurt, you couldn't just wipe it away so quickly.

The truth was, my wolf had been wounded the day she mated Victor. It wasn't her fault, but there was something so disturbing about another man, who wasn't me claiming and possessing her body. I foolishly thought I could handle it, but I was wrong.

Mating was a very big deal in the wolf community, it was even a bigger deal than marriage. Wolves could have sex whenever they wanted with whoever without it being a problem. But mating, the combination of claiming and intercourse, was reserved for mates alone. Wolves would never mate someone who wasn't their official soulmate.

Watching her carry his mark and smell had undone me. It was as if a part of my soul started to die, knowing that she had agreed to form a union with someone else.

My wolf desperately wanted to make her his again. As soon as I could, I had to be inside her. I wouldn't be satisfied unless I claimed and mated her, but living in the castle proved to be difficult and I was quickly losing my patience.

The first time we made love, I was insatiable. I was almost ashamed at how I acted. I had imagined our first time to be more romantic, but the way I behaved was more animalistic, more unrestrained. Still I wasn't satisfied because she carried his scent not mine. It was torture being around her and not being able to claim and mate her as my own. Even this last time, I could barely control myself. Tensions were so high because of the escape, and because she had almost slept with Victor a second time. I knew that if I didn't wipe his mark off from her, I would turn back to the Castle and finish him off for good.

As soon as she started to carry my scent, things changed. My mood improved, my sexual appetite finally calmed down, and I was no longer on edge all the time.

Seraphina noticed the changes immediately and we began to joke around and have regular conversations again. We had desperately needed this newfound comfort. I loved her with my entire being and every day on the run proved more and more why.

Seraphina was used to a life of comfort and ease. This was completely out of her comfort zone. Every morning she complained about the bugs, and about her swollen feet, and the lack of sleep. But yet when it was time to leave, she was the first one ready. She didn't pretend to be someone she wasn't, but yet she understood the urgency of getting to safety and she wouldn't stall plans just because she was uncomfortable. She would always be a princess, but she was a fighter and she could adapt to any situation better than anyone.

Still we ended up taking four days because we preferred to stay hidden all day and only leave at the dead of night.

Finally we arrived at the new area my mother was staying. We arrived early but we didn't want to attract attention to ourselves. We waited until it was night time and then we made our way into the city. My mother gave detailed instructions on how to find the house. They were in the town Gleeden. I didn't know much about Gleeden, but from what she told me, it was one of the richer cities in the Western province. The West was known for being pretty poor, normally the South had more expensive towns and property due to the climate and beaches. The Capital laid North, and ironically all the towns except the capital itself were known to be extremely poor. Froebel, the city I grew up in was extremely poor. Staying here in Gleeden would be a shock for my family and for Sera as well. All she knew was Froebel and Englebed.

I would ask my mom later why she chose this city. Still, it was a great choice to relocate to a city not too big but not too small either. Our arrival would go mostly unnoticed but the city wasn't big enough that we would get lost in it.

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