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Sarah's POV :

After yesterday I was not in a good mood . How much I try to deny , but his words affect me. I still care about what he thinks about me. Yesterday he accused me of being a gold digger, that night he accused me of being some kind of sex addicted person. He is the one who cheated on me with that girl from his village.

Today we were going to officially sign the contract with Sharma industries. I don't want to see his face but guess what ! I have to . Everyday from now onwards.

After reaching the office I discussed the contract with Bhai. After he approved of it we went to the meeting room where he was waiting for us already. I tried to avoid him,but I could feel his gaze on me all the time. After the discussion the contract was signed. When he was signing the contract I saw his hand , it was wounded badly. I wanted to ask him about it but Bhai was with us and I knew it that he would have some twisted answer for it as well. So avoiding it I went in my cabin and continued my work.

After few hrs Katy , my assistant called me.
"Mam, there's a woman who wants to meet you, she says she knows you".

"What's her name?"

"Her name is R-Raas-mi, yup Rashmi".

Listening to that name made me happy. Rashmi , my bestie when I lived in that chawl. She was my support system back in that days. What is she doing here?? Let's find out.

"Ok , let her in".

After 5minutes she entered . I immediately got up and hugged her, she hugged me as well.
"It's so good to see you, you turn more and more beautiful with time". She said which made me blush.

"Whatever, I'm so happy to see you after so many years!!!!!"

"The feeling is mutual!!! But I am here to talk about something important ". She said.

"Ok , but please be seated , tell me how did you come here?"

"I live here with Shantanu".

That made me sad. So he is dating Rosa and living with her! I can't believe he has changed so much!

"Hey don't get it in the wrong way, he is like my brother and I stay with him because I lost my family in that accident".

"How did you lose your family? Which accident you are talking about?" It really confused me.

"The accident that took place after you left the chawl, you don't know about it?"

"No, tell me what happened".

"After you left,Shanu and his dad came to Mumbai , he was going to leave for Delhi for bringing you here but suddenly some builder came and claimed the Chawl's land to be his. He ordered us to leave the chawl in 1 day. We protested but to no avail. Shantanu was trying your phone but it was unreachable. After that we tried to fight that builder but he had connections with a lot of politicians and gang leaders. Seeing that we were not leaving the chawl , the builder told the gang leaders to set the chawl on fire and he did it. He set the chawl on fire at night when everyone was asleep. I and Shantanu were lucky as we were not present in the chawl at that time. Everyone present in the chawl died , no one could survive. Shantanu lost his parents as well. The gang leader made it look like an accident".

"W-why didn't you contact me?" I asked . I don't know when but I started crying. It was a lot to take in. He needed me the most that time but I was not present for him.

"We tried a lot but your phone was unreachable , Shanu became my guardian after that , he started his own business with the money which we received from the government".

My phone? My phone! I handed it over to Bhai after I reached Delhi. Oh my god!!!
"I handed my phone to Bhai and he gave me a new one".

"After few months when everything was sorted Shantanu went to Delhi to talk to you, but the watchman told that you had left the country ".

He came back! After everything that happened with him , he still came to Delhi! He came to take me but I was not present. Oh my god !

"The decision that you took, back then was right , he was behaving like a jerk with you. But he needed you the most that time. Trust me, he loves you ! I've seen him cry for you, he misses you a lot ".

"If he loved me then why did he cheat on me with that girl in his village".

"Rano! She has always had a crush on him, but Shantanu never paid attention to her, she might be jealous of you because he married you. She might have made things up, she does that always. Did you talk to Shantanu about it?"

"No , I was too angry with everything and I just wanted to leave that place".

"Misunderstandings are bitch, you both need to clear them, anyways what happened yesterday?"

"What happened?" I asked as I was not aware about what she was talking .

"He was at your house , last night. After he came from your place and he was furious , he emptied the entire bar and was constantly saying that you left him, you never loved him, he hates you and all that".

What happened last night?? Oh ! I lied to him that I like Matt. Was that the reason he was angry? Was he jealous?

"I told him that I like someone ".

"Do you really like someone else".

"NO !! I just wanted to make him mad".

"And he got mad, Sarah trust me he still loves you ,you have the proof from his yesterday's behaviour. He needs you, he became this stone hearted man after you left him . He just engrossed himself in his work. He has always loved you. Please be with him . I know he is behaving like a jerk to you . He is angry on his destiny, one moment he had everything and the next moment it was gone. He needed to blame it on someone and so he blamed you. Just be the old loving Sarah with him and you'll get your Shanu back". Saying this she left .

He had to go through a lot and that to all alone. Even I would have been like him if I had to go through so many things. He was alone then but not anymore. I'll be with him , even if it means tolerating his arrogance. After everything that happened with him, he still came to Delhi . For me! He still loves me it's just that his anger has masked his love. Once I show him my love he will be back .

The only way I can make him realise about his buried feelings is by staying with him 24*7  and the only way to do it is to be his wife again! Soon I called our lawyer back in India and told him the entire situation . He made me the marriage certificate with his sign . Perks of being an Oberoi!!

Shanu here I come!!!!!

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Love u♥️

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