"It's smaller but yes."

  "Real-"I stopped speaking when I saw the inside of my trailer.There was a sink with a mirror and chair for hair styling.There was a chair that was comfortable and a matching couch.

  "The closet is there,"Lou pointed to a door near the back of the trailer.I opened the closet and saw racks of cloths.They all looked like they would fit me and they were all my style."I thought you would like it.Now I know you don't like dresses but just check them out.You might like some."

  I wandered in further and saw what Lou meant.There was a rack of the most beautiful dresses in a range of colors and shapes.My eyes fell on a light blue dress that flowed out.I loved it.I pulled it out and showed Lou.


*3 hours later*

  "I look beautiful!Thank you so much."

  "It was nothing really.Your pretty without this,"Lou gestured to my hair and dress.

  "But not nearly as pretty as you."

  "Thank you.But I think a certain boy would think you're the most beautiful girl in the world.Just slip on these flats and head over to the boys' trailer."

  "You are the best."

  "It's my job."

  I headed over to the boys trailer and rapped on the door.Liam opened the door and revealed 6 boys in tuxedos.Niall,Harry,Louis,Zayn,and Liam wore dark black.Ethan had on a light gray tuxedo that went perfectly with my dress.

  "My sister is growing up already!"Niall claimed.I flashed a smile.I gave each of the boys a hug before turning to Ethan.He was frozen in place just staring at me.

  I giggled and walked over next to him.His eyes followed me."Um,excuse me?"I said snapping in his face."Mister?I think you'll drooling."Still Ethan just stared out at me."Not this again."

  "Not what?"

  "This!"I gestured to Ethan."This happened once before.When our school had a dance last year.I hadn't planned on going but I let him convince me.Then I hadn't planned on getting too fancy.But his mom got me to wear a dress.The first time I willingly wore a dress and did my hair.This idiot was frozen."

  "Well what you do to fix him?"

  "Someone cover Niall's eyes.Liam's too."Once that was done I made my move on my boyfriend.I pecked his lips.Nothing."It's worse than I thought."I gave it one more try.This time Ethan came to life.He kissed back.Soon we were full on making out until I pulled out.I rolled my eyes at how silly Ethan looked.

  *Ethan's pov*

*five minutes before*

  I was in the boys trailer.We were just waiting for my girlfriend to be ready.I can't believe her dreams really are coming true.She always talked about it.I loved the sparkle in her eyes when she spoke.She always had some fantasy of it coming true.I let her ramble on for a while before bringing her back to earth.She was always this crazy person.That's what I loved about her.

  I just can't believe this is all happening.She has her first album coming out tomorrow,a party today to celebrate,her brother is world famous,she has her own fan base,and she's a millionaire!She's only twelve.I hope the instant fame doesn't go to her head.I decided to pay attention to what was happening around me.

  "Did you guys hear back from the Realtor lady?"Niall asked Liam and Zayn.

  "Yeah.You know the place like next to ours now?"Liam answered.


  "Turns out it was for sale."


  "Not anymore because we bought it."


  "Yeah.We even got a ton of furniture for her.Her favorite color is blue right?"

  "Yeah light blue."

  "Perfect.She will love it.I mean it's a bit big,but she'll get used to it."

   They bought a place?For a girl?Whose favorite color is blue?What is going on?"Why'd you guys get a place for a girl?"

  "Niall!"Liam and Zayn shouted in unison at the poor Irish lad.

  "How could you forget to tell her boyfriend?"Liam continued."I mean he's going to care.I bet you forgot to tell her too."

  "Tell me what?"I looked at Niall,expecting him to explain.He didn't get the chance because just then there was a knock at the door.Liam went to answer it.When he pulled the door back the most beautiful girl stood in the door way.My jaw dropped a bit when I realized that she was Gabby.My Gabby.


  "Hey,Ethan."My mom called.


  "You ready?"

  "Just about.I'll be right there."I ran the comb through my hair one last time before tossing it at the bed.Tonight my school was having a dance,the first in the history of the school,and I managed to convince my girlfriend to come with me.The last I heard,my mom was getting her all dressed up.The first time I would see Gabby willingly wear a dress.I walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom.I gaped at the sight I saw.Gabby was stunning.I couldn't believe that was her.I just stood frozen,watching her.

  The next thing I remembered was Gabby kissing me.I pulled back saying,"You look beautiful."

*End of Flashback*

  Now Gabby was kissing me again.I must have frozen again.She pulled back.

  "Gabby you are the most beautiful girl in the entire world."She blushed and tried to hide it."Babe,stop that.You look better when you blush."

*Gabby's point of view*

  "No I'm not."I mumbled.I turned and spoke to the boys before Ethan got the chance to argue,"Where are we off to?"

  "The car."

  After a short ride,we pulled up to a hotel.Camera crews were swarming the building."Great,"I mumbled.

  "Okay,I expected this."Liam began."Gabby smile and pose for as many as possible.It's good publicity.They'll see how you act.Best behaviors!Ethan,stay in the car.The driver is going to sneak you around back.Boys all our dates are coming in that way."

  "Okay,"the five other boys chorused.

  "That sounds like a perfect plan.Just one thing."I replied.


  "Does that mean I get to meet the One Direction girlfriends?"

  "Yes.Now lets go.Best behaviors!"

  "We know!"

  With that Liam exited the car.Followed by Harry,Louis,Zayn,and Niall.I kissed Ethan's cheek before following them.A path was cleared in the midst of the camera crews.Questions were being shouted from everywhere.There were bright flashes.This was my first event and I was not used to it.I just barely heard Liam shouting,"We would love to answer questions,but we have to go inside.We'll tell you guys everything."

  "You guys know him."Louis smirked."He'll probably do a twit cam after."The crowd chuckled.We made our way in.It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the room.I just kept seeing bright flashes.Someone guided me by my arm inside and to the ball room.By the time my vision was cleared,Ethan was back by my side.


Hope you guys liked it!the party itself is next chapter

sorry no song today.i'm a bit rushed


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