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He could spot her warmth from miles away.
No matter how far apart they stood,
Her light always reached him.
The light, the warmth, the heat.
Glowing endlessly atop her pedestal.
Elegant and beautiful, a star in the dark night they shared.

What was he but a square?
Ice cold, stone hard, blunt and boring.
He found himself melting for her, his heart burning as her flame sent shadows dancing across the kitchen.

He knew the two of them would never make it work.
Love between polar opposites was destined to crash and burn, melt, wither, die.
This didn't mean that he wasn't willing to try.

The first instance she noticed her warm glow reflecting off of him, she looked at him curiously and giggled.
Over time, her wax pedestal lowered until the two could meet eyes.
His heart melted more and more the closer she came, whilst her flame burned brighter and brighter.

The two met eyes for the first time.
Her brilliance was overwhelming.
He felt himself shrinking into the shadows in shame and embarrassment.
She was a princess, and he was nothing.
This didn't seem to bother her, for she smiled and danced for him, the shadows dancing too.

He watched in awe as that was all that he could do.

Then she extended her light towards him, inviting him to dance with her. There wasn't even a glimpse of a hesitation as he took her hand in his.

Together, they played and danced and laughed all night until eventually her flame grew dim and his body melted down.

Eventually, she drowned in a pool of her own wax which used to hold her so high and proud.
He became a puddle himself.
Their love for each their had killed them both. But at least this way, they would be together forever.

[This is an idea I had ages ago (as you can see by the date on the drawing above "31/07/19" and I'm posting this on the 19th Jan 2020 xD
Hope it was remotely enjoyable. It's 10am and I woke up like. 30 minutes ago.
Stay amazing]

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