~The girl who didn't exist; Abandoned story idea~

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"It wasn't always this way," the girl explained as she sat back in her chair, folding her non-existant arms behind her back. "I was, for lack of a better word, normal once. Flesh, blood, the whole shebang. A beating heart, functioning organs, I had hair too. A couple of eyes, you're not listening at all are you, Neo?"
The other, Neo, looked up at the first. "Sorry Levi, you've told me this story so many times... it gets boring, y'know?"
"Huh? Boring?! Surly this should fascinate you! Like, I'm here, I'm me but I'm not really here at all! You can't see me, but you hear my voice. Isn't that amazing?" Levi's voice was brimming with energy. "But I can see you. I have no problem seeing. It's great, I could follow you and you'd never know I'm he—"
"Stop talking, would you?" Neo sighed heavily and sat back, casually brushing a hand through his sandy coloured hair. His emerald eyes drifted around the small café, noticing the odd stares he and the empty space opposite him were getting.
"What?!" The table shook as if somebody had suddenly hid it. Then an irritated groan came from the empty space. "Sorry.. I just... You're the only person I can talk to.. Everyone just freaks out and.. it's not cool. You're cool, Neo. You're a cool guy."
"And you're a cool... invisible.. ghost person." Neo nodded to himself.
"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome aren't I?" There was amusement in the female's voice, and if Levi had a face, Neo imagined it would be grinning a smug smile.

[I actually really want to write this story, I just don't know how. Any suggestions, please comment :)) stay amazing ]

Short Story (and poetry) CollectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora