
1 0 0

Soft and white, warm snow and soothing presence,
Calming touch and relaxation's grace,
The joys and delights bought from this simple sense
Of realisation that finally, you found peace,
And it comes in the form of this small creature,
A bundle of love, happiness and hope,
Perfect little creature, chasing the darkness away.

As the clock ticks by, the passage of time, One ages, face changes and body soon dies. Though seldom light breaks through the curse, time stops as if it hesitates... Then backwards, rewinds, takes us back to our roots. No longer decayed, free from restraints. Time is forgotten and we are reborn. The cycle restarts and the clock ticks on

Aiden's: Bars and Conveyers
I work.
I work a nine hour shift
At a local convenience store.
The belt whiz away
The tapping shoes of
Faceless people is incessant
As I serve and serve them their
Packaged food and cigarettes.
I smell their rancid breath
I see their colourless eyes.
But never their face.
I can never remember the likeness of a customer.
I can never recall a face.
I am in imprisoned by my own cyclical need to earn.
Soon I will be them.
Shopping to sustain myself in a home I hate.
Such is life.

Aiden's: Fade
I feel it.
My hands disappear.
My lips are numb and my eyes burn
Like hot coals upon a fire.
My thoughts scatter and flee
As though they long to break away
From the tight clutches of my dark mind.
My skin feels like armour
This body no longer is mine.
I feel myself recede inside my being like a watcher from afar
Only able to gaze upon the destruction this abomonation is laying down in my name.
I'll be okay soon.

Dark silk, moving in deadly silence,
Stalking towards you, coming to find you.
Streamline, stealthy and yet omnipresent,
Not leaving you any room to breathe
As it targets you and preys on your flesh.
Gnarling teeth, tearing you apart, the
Flash of red blood erupts from your body
And paints the blackness darker in crimson
Splatters up the walls and the mangled mess
That is your body, slowly loses life.

The above poems were written in an epic group chat on Kik. The ones without a name before them are mine. The others belong to somebody else but I have their permission to post them here :))
The above picture is of my two dogs, Sky and Gemini. Enjoy XD

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